
September 24th: The Bagel Bards Return to Stone Soup

Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On September 24th, we welcome back The Bagel Bards as they celebrate the release of their 7th volume anthology.

The Bagel Bards, a wide-open and ever-expanding group of writers— including award-winning poets, novelists and short-fiction writers, knowledgeable teachers and editors, and some of the best small press publishers — meet for coffee, tea, bagels, muffins, socializing, literary gossip, and networking. Their current home is Au Bon Pain in Davis Square, and any writer, any genre, is welcome. Bagel Bards meets on Saturday mornings at 9:00 am.


September 17th: R. Wayne Nickerson Features at Stone Soup

Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On September17th, we welcome back open mic regular R. Wayne Nickerson for another full-length Stone Soup feature.

Wayne Nickerson writes: "I started writing short stories and poetry at Riverview Hopefield School, a boarding school I attended from 1966-1968.   I had a great English Teacher, Mrs. Prat, who encouraged her students to read both classics and new writers, which I still do to this day.

 "I also like to encourage people to do the same. I also paint and enjoy singing. I've been since age five and still own my first book. I started performing mine and others' work four years ago. I pray I'll continue to do this for a long, long time. Viva Stone Soup, viva fellow writers, good company, good life."

September 10th: Jonathan Russell Clark & Ruby Rose Fox Feature At Stone Soup

Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On September 10th, Michael F. Gill returns to host another night of Stone Soup with Jonathan Russell Clank and Ruby Fox.

Jonathan Russell Clark is a fiction writer who lives in Jamaica Plain. He has read his work, in various capacities, at numerous venues around Boston and Cambridge. He is the co-founder of Woellert & Clark, a shadow puppet theater company, as well as the Program Director of the Forest Hills Educational Trust. His non-fiction has appeared in Thrasher Magazine, EdgeBoston and Dig Boston. He is the author of "HowFiction Hurts: Fiction About Fiction."

Ruby Fox is a singer and songwriter from Boston, Mass. Ruby has been spent the last four years as a theatrical actress and has performed with a number of Boston theater companies, such as The Actor’s Shakespeare Project, Company One, and The Central Square Theater. Fox has also written and performed two one-woman shows, so it’s of little surprise that her songwriting tends to be filled with characters, plot, sub-plot, sub-sub-plot (on occasion, even sub-sub-sub-plot). She will have copies of her debut EP, "Blue Light City," for sale. You can find her on RubyRoseFox.com.


August 27th: Pre-Stone Soup Poetry Writing Workshop

I will be leading a workship on August 27th, to take place before Stone Soup Poetry from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.  Price of admission into the workshop will be included in your standard donation to Stone Soup Poery.

You will be able to attend Stone Soup Poetry and the workshop without having to pay anything extra.  I'm interested in community, not profit.

For the first workshop, please bring a poem of any form and style no more than 1-2 pages.  Bring up to 10 copies of your poem to share with the group, and be prepared to share your thoughts on each other's work.  Tom Tipton at the Out of The Blue has agreed to lend us space in the gallery's spacious back yard.  I'll make sure to bring snacks and water.

This workshop will ideally take place the final Monday of every month.  Those who are unable to attend next week but interested in future dates please email me at chadpoetforhire@yahoo.com


September 3rd: Richard Cambridge Features at Stone Soup

Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On September 3rd, we welcome Richard Cambridge as part of a special reading to mark the month Stone Soup founder Jack Powers would have had his 75th birthday.  Special musical guest will be Andreas Powers.

Richard Cambridge’s work has appeared in The Paterson Literary Review, Nantucket Journal, Asheville Poetry Review, and other publications. He is the author of a collection of poetry, Pulsa— A Book of Books (Hanover Press), of which Robert Pinsky wrote, “Full of heart, sincere ambition and a genuine devotion to the mysteries of language,” and The Cigarette Papers— A Memoir of Addiction (Fern Hill Records), from which he developed a one-man play that opened at The Institute of Contemporary Art, and was hailed by the Boston Globe as “A tour de force.”

Cambridge is the recipient of numerous awards, including The Allen Ginsberg Poetry Prize. He was a finalist for a residency at the Fine Arts Work Shop in Provincetown, MA, and he won the Masters Slam at the 1997 National Poetry Slam. In 2011 he was graduated from the University of Southern Maine with an MFA in creative writing (Fiction) and completed his first novel, RIDE, based on a hitchhiking journey. He is currently at work on a new novel titled 1970, an alternate history centered on his experiences with the Black Panthers, featuring a cast of supporting activists who successfully bring revolution to America.