Photo by Jonathan Dunlap
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery (located on 106 Prospect Street in Cambridge) with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On January15th, Stone Soup welcomes Christine Gelineau as well as surprise guest readers from the upcoming French Connections anthology.
Christine Gelineau is the author of Remorseless Loyalty, which was published this year by Ashland Poetry Press as the winner of the Richard Snyder Memorial Prize. Remorseless Loyalty has been nominated for the Los Angeles Times Book Awards. She is also the author of two chapbooks from FootHills Publishing, North American Song Line (2001) and In the Greenwood World (2006), and the co-editor (with Jack Bedell) of French Connections: A Gathering of Franco-American Poets (forthcoming in 2007). Gelineau's poetry, essays and reviews have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, including Prairie Schooner, Connecticut Review, The Iron Horse Review, Green Mountains Review, Georgia Review, American Literary Review and others. Her poems have twice been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and her essay "Foal Watch" is cited as a "Notable Essay" in the 2004 Best American Essays. Gelineau lives on a farm in upstate New York. She teaches at Binghamton University, where she is Associate Director of the Creative Writing Program and coordinator of the Readers' Series. She also teaches poetry in the low-residency graduate writing program at Wilkes University.
Click here for samples of Gelineau's work.