Stone Soup will not be meeting this holiday week. Enjoy your time away from our virtual podium with loved ones. Stay tuned for announcements as to when Stone Soup Poetry will resume its regular schedule.
December 18: BeYouT Features at Stone Soup Poetry
Stone Soup Poetry meets every Wednesday online from 7:00-9:00 PM via Zoom. Stay tuned for updates on any future live gatherings. On December 18m the poet BeYouT's rescheduled feature is finally here.
BeYouT (pronounced Beauty) is a poet who was born and raised in the suburbs of Boston. She had been writing since she was given her first journal at the age of 9 years old. In 2012 she was introduced to spoken word and has been writing and performing off and on ever since. She is a survivor of domestic violence and sexual abuse and has also experienced great loss. She is a passionate poet who writes from a place of personal healing. She, is a Survivor.
Join us on Wednesday December 18 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.
The meeting ID is 872 0179 0554 Password: stonesoup
December 11: Stone Soup Poetry Online All-Open Mic
Join us on Wednesday December 4 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.
The meeting ID is 869 6266 6480
Password: stonesoup
December 4: Stone Soup Poetry Online All-Open Mic
Join us on Wednesday December 4 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.
The meeting ID is 826 0555 2410
Password: stonesoup