
October 30: Stone Soup's Pre-Halloween Open Mic

Stone Soup Poetry now meets every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:30 at our new location, the Fort Point Arts Community's Assemblage Gallery, located on 70(a) Sleeper Street, just across from the Barking Crab restaurant (free admission but donations for the poet(s) appreciated.


Come in Costume!

Come as your favorite deceased poet!

Come back as your favorite living poet!

Come dressed as the poet you would like to see dead!*

*Don't do this.

Treats will be had. You bring the tricks!


October 23: Special Open Mic and Workshop with Toni Bee

Stone Soup Poetry now meets every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:30 at our new location, the Fort Point Arts Community's Assemblage Gallery, located on 70(a) Sleeper Street, just across from the Barking Crab restaurant. On October 23, Toni Bee returns to her Stone Soup stomping grounds to host an open mic and workshop.

Former Cambridge Poet Populist, host of numerous open mic events and workshops, and author of the chapbook 22 Again, Toni Bee is no stranger to the stage or to writer's groups. Everyone should come and bring poems to read, poems to workshop or writing tools so you can participate in what Toni has planned.


New Broadside Available Tonight

Stone Soup is proud to present  this broadside by April Penn, created through Zachary Bos of Pen and Anvil Press and available tonight for  April March Penn's feature. Stay tuned for more announcements with Pen & Anvil.