December 23: Susie Davidson Features at Stone Soup
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On December 23, we welcome back Susie Davidson to the venue.
Susie Davidson is a poet, journalist, author, and filmmaker who writes regularly for the Jewish Advocate, the Jewish Daily Forward in New York, the Cambridge Chronicle and other media. Her article on medical marijuana, published this month in Israel's largest daily, Ha'aretz, received almost 7000 Facebook recommendations. She has also contributed to the Boston Sunday Globe, the Boston Herald and the Jerusalem Post. She was the feature of a July, 2012 "G-Force" full-page Boston Globe profile.
She has written two books about local Holocaust survivors. She organized the 2011 OccuPoetry series at Occupy Boston in Dewey Square, Boston, which received a front-page Boston Globe Metro section writeup in November, 2011. She is Coordinator of the Boston chapter of The Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life, a board member of the Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow and the Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action, and coordinates the Brookline Library Authors' Collaborative.