December 30: Patrick S. Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On December 30, Patrick S. will provide us a terrific close to 2013 with his first feature debuting his first full-length book of poetry.
Patrick S. is a co-organizer of Lowell, Massachusetts's Mill City Slam and was a member of its 2010 National Poetry Slam team. He has featured at numerous poetry venues in the Northeast, including past features at Stone Soup. He will be debuting his first full-length book, a narrative 47-poem series entitled Her Name Was Not Brighton composed during many sessions of the Brighton Word Factory writing group. He describes the book as "sort of a magical realism romance novella in free verse", as it otherwise defies attempts at classification.
December 23: Susie Davidson Features at Stone Soup
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On December 23, we welcome back Susie Davidson to the venue.
Susie Davidson is a poet, journalist, author, and filmmaker who writes regularly for the Jewish Advocate, the Jewish Daily Forward in New York, the Cambridge Chronicle and other media. Her article on medical marijuana, published this month in Israel's largest daily, Ha'aretz, received almost 7000 Facebook recommendations. She has also contributed to the Boston Sunday Globe, the Boston Herald and the Jerusalem Post. She was the feature of a July, 2012 "G-Force" full-page Boston Globe profile.
She has written two books about local Holocaust survivors. She organized the 2011 OccuPoetry series at Occupy Boston in Dewey Square, Boston, which received a front-page Boston Globe Metro section writeup in November, 2011. She is Coordinator of the Boston chapter of The Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life, a board member of the Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow and the Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action, and coordinates the Brookline Library Authors' Collaborative.
December 16th: Zeke Russell Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On December 16, we welcome performer, author, podcast host and venue host Zeke Russell back to our venue.
Ezekiel "Zeke" Russell is a third generation poet. He grew up in an artist's collective in Central Maine where he learned to express himself and also how to split wood. He lived for ten years in Lowell MA. During that time he helped to organize the Untitled Open Mic at Brew'd Awakening Coffee House. He still organizes the slam for that venue but mostly sits in the back and yells out inappropriate things. He has published three chapbooks and lives in Lower Mills Dorchester with his partner Emily and a very naughty pug named PJ.
December 9: L.U.C.C.I. Features at Stone Soup
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On December 9th, we welcome Glen Lucci Furman, aka L.U.C.C.I. to Stone Soup's podium for his first feature at the venue.
L.U.C.C.I. (which stands for Listening, Understanding, Caring, Considering, Inquiring) is a poet, an actor and aspiring comedian who enjoys being creative while making positive change and entertaining in the process. He has lived in Southwest Detroit Michigan, Tennessee, Georgia and now Boston.
He has featured in such places as Boston Talent Showcase, Wierdstock 2011, The 2nd Annual Haught Pink Breast Cancer Fashion Show, Writer's Block, and also had a role in the independent film Supa Dupa.
Upcoming projects include a lead role in the upcoming film Scavengers and an upcoming poetry CD entitled My Name Is L.U.C.C.I.
December 2: Pre-Stone Soup Poetry Writing Workshop
I will be leading a workshop on December 2, to take place before Stone Soup Poetry from 6:00 PM to just before 8:00 PM at the Au Bon Pain in Central Square.
Please bring a poem of any form and style no more than 1-2 pages. Bring up to 10 copies of your poem to share with the group, and be prepared to share your thoughts on each others work. If you have trouble printing your work, you can email it to me before 5:00 Monday at chadpoetforhire@yahoo.com
December 2: Ben Mazer Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On December 2nd, we welcome Ben Mazer to the podium.
Ben Mazer was born in New York City in 1964. He was raised around Cambridge, where he soaked up the lore of men who had known Robert Lowell, Tate, T.S. Eliot. At Harvard he studied with Seamus and Heaney and William Alfred, then he moved on and did a Ph.D. in textual scholarship under Sir Christopher Ricks and Archie Burnett at the Editorial Institute, Boston University. His doctoral dissertation, a critical edition of the poems of Frederick Goddard Tuckerman was published by Harvard University Press in 2010. His critical edition of the complete poems John Crowe Ransom is forthcoming from Boston's Un-Gyve Press. Mazer's poems have appeared in many periodicals, here and abroad, including, Verse, Stand, Agenda, Poetry Wales, The Wolf, Fulcrum, Jacket, The Boston Review, Harvard Review, Pequod, and Harvard Magazine. His new collection of poems is NEW POEMS (Pen &Anvil Press, 2013), and his previous collections include POEMS (Pen & Anvil Press, 2010), JANUARY 2008 (Dark Sky Books, 2010), and WHITE CITIES (Barbara Matteau Editions, 1995). Mazer lives in Cambridge, and is the Editor of THE BATTERSEA REVIEW.
November 25th: Pre-Stone Soup Poetry Writing Workshop
I will be leading a workshop on November 25th, to take place before Stone Soup Poetry from 6:00 PM to just before 8:00 PM at the Au Bon Pain in Central Square.
Please bring a poem of any form and style no more than 1-2 pages. Bring up to 10 copies of your poem to share with the group, and be prepared to share your thoughts on each others work. If you have trouble printing your work, you can email it to me before 5:00 Monday at chadpoetforhire@yahoo.com
November 25th: Timothy Gager Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On November 25th, we welcome back Tim Gager, who is currently riding a wave of accolades for his newest poetry collection.
Timothy Gager is the author of ten books of short fiction and poetry. His latest, The Shutting Door (Ibbetson Street Press) is his first full-length book of poetry in nine years and is nominated for The Massachusetts Book Award. He has hosted the successful Dire Literary Series in Cambridge, Massachusetts every month for the past twelve years and is the co-founder of Somerville News Writers Festival.
He has had over 250 works of fiction and poetry published since 2007: nine have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. His work has been read on National Public Radio. He lives on www.timothygager.com
November 18: Carolyn Gregory Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On November 18th,we welcome back poet Carolyn Gregory.
Carolyn Gregory’s poems and music essays have been published in AMERICAN POETRY REVIEW, MAIN STREET RAG, BELLOWING ARK, SEATTLE REVIEW, WILDERNESS HOUSE LITERARY REVIEW and STYLUS. She was nominated for a Pushcart Prize and is a past recipient of a Massachusetts Cultural Council Award. Her first book, OPEN LETTERS, was published in 2009 and a second book, FACING THE MUSIC, will appear in January, 2014. Carolyn worked for twenty five years in the Harvard medical hospital system doing research and administrative work. She is now a community activist, working against all use of the Death Penalty, for stricter enforcement of automatic weapons and handguns and for the rights of animals. Though she tends to be pretty serious, she also has a well honed sense of humor!
November 11th: Pre-Stone Soup Poetry Writing Workshop
I will be leading a workshop on November 11th, to take place before Stone Soup Poetry from 6:00 PM to just before 8:00 PM at the Au Bon Pain in Central Square.
Please bring a poem of any form and style no more than 1-2 pages. Bring up to 10 copies of your poem to share with the group, and be prepared to share your thoughts on each others work. If you have trouble printing your work, you can email it to me before 5:00 Monday at chadpoetforhire@yahoo.com
November 11: Gordon Marshall Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On November 11th, Gordon Marshall Returns with the latest in his substantial library of poetry collections.
Gordon Marshall has been publishing poetry books for five years, and he has been writing poetry for 34. He just finished his 27 volume, which may be his last, so he can focus on his music blog, theflashboston.com.
November 4th: Pre-Stone Soup Poetry Writing Workshop
I will be leading a workshop today on November 4th, to take place before Stone Soup Poetry from 6:00 PM to just before 8:00 PM at the Au Bon Pain in Central Square.
Please bring a poem of any form and style no more than 1-2 pages. Bring up to 10 copies of your poem to share with the group, and be prepared to share your thoughts on each others work. If you have trouble printing your work, you can email it to me before 5:00 Monday at chadpoetforhire@yahoo.com
Those unable to attend that are interested in future dates please email me or call me at 617-217-8038.
November 4: Kris Weinrich Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On November fourth, we welcome Kris Weinrich to his first Stone Soup feature.
Kris Weinrich graduated form Emerson College in December of 2002 with a BA in Audio Engineering and a Minor in Literature. He is a poetry workshop facilitator for the Brockton Poetry Series at Fuller Craft Museum. He is one of the hosts of Night Slam, a poetry open mic and slam at Massasoit Community College. Kris has featured at poetry venues in Easton, Brockton, Plymouth and Providence. He is also on the Brockton Arts board of directors as their Social Media Director promoting their events and programming. His new chapbook of poems is titled Between Streetlights And Stars.
October 28th: Pre-Stone Soup Poetry Writing Workshop
I will be leading a workshop today on October 28th, to take place before Stone Soup Poetry from 6:00 PM to just before 8:00 PM at the Au Bon Pain in Central Square.
Please bring a poem of any form and style no more than 1-2 pages. Bring up to 10 copies of your poem to share with the group, and be prepared to share your thoughts on each others work. If you have trouble printing your work, you can email it to me before 5:00 Monday at chadpoetforhire@yahoo.com
Those unable to attend that are interested in future dates please email me or call me at 617-217-8038.
Tom Daley's New Poetry Writing Workshop
Poetry writing workshop
at a restaurant in Porter Square, Cambridge
Six Wednesdays 12:30-2:30 pm
November 6, 13, 20; December 4, 11, 18, 2013.
Cost is $150.
The optional poetry exercises will focus on the poetry of Patricia Smith
Joint workshop for poets & writers working in creative prose
(memoir, fiction, creative non-fiction, storytelling)
at the instructor’s house in Cambridge
Seven Mondays 5:30-7:30 pm
November 4, 11, 18, 25;
December 2, 9, & 16, 2013.
Cost is $175.
The optional poetry exercises will focus on the poetry of Patricia Smith
To register for either workshop, contact the instructor at tom.daley2@verizon.net
Daley leads writing workshops at the Online School of Poetry, Boston
Center for Adult Education, and Lexington Community Education. His poems
have appeared or are forthcoming in a number of journals including Fence, Denver Quarterly, Crazyhorse, Witness, Massachusetts Review, The Boston Globe, Harvard Review, and Poetry Ireland Review and have been anthologized in the Poets for Haiti and The Body Electric anthologies. He is a recipient of 2012 Dana Award in Poetry and the author of a play, Every Broom and Bridget—Emily Dickinson and Her Irish Servants, which he performs as a one-man show.
Stone Soup Gallery at Midway Studios, October 19 -20
Open showing of art photos by David Agee of Stone Soup poets reading at the Out of the Blue. This is part of the Fort Point fall Open Studios ranging along Summer and A streets in the art district across the channel from South Station.
"Many poets are shown, but the exhibit is based on photographs with some artistic merit that I happened to take; it is not an encyclopedic compendium of the Stone Soup poets as a whole. The photos are NOT family snap shots - each reader is in the context of art that has some effect on the mood. emotion, etc of the scene. SO look at the whole photo; reader, background art, etc."
The display is on the fifth floor (elevator) of the Midway Studios, 15 Channel Center St., Boston, 02210 (map at info booth on A St.)
To reach the building by car, go to South Station, follow Summer St. across the channel, make an immediate right and right again onto A St. You will see an information booth on A St. at the entrance to a free parking lot.
By public transportation take the Red Line to South Station and upstairs on Summer Street pick up the #11 bus. Exit at Mt. Vernon Avenue on A Street (2nd stop).
Open Studios is free and free parking available off A St. There are further displays in buildings along Summer St. and along A St. Map at info booth on A St. (617 423 4299).
Open 12 - 6 Saturday Oct. 19 and Sunday Oct. 20.
Come and check out all the 150 artist displays!
Oddball Magazine Presents Stone Soup Servings
Stone Soup is pleased to be partnering with Oddball Magazine to present Stone Soup Servings, a column that will give readers a first look at upcoming Stone Soup performers. This week, we have Martin Willitts Jr. and Linda Griggs, who arrive at Stone Soup on October 21st. Thanks to publisher Jason Wright and Gordon Marshall's sister, Jennifer Davidson Marshall, for the photography.
October 28th: David R. Surette Features at Stone Soup
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On October 28th, we welcome back David R. Surrette, who has his newest poetry collection coming out this month.
David R. Surette’s new book of poetry is Wicked Hard. He is the author of three other collections: The Immaculate Conception Mothers‘ Club, Young Gentlemen’s School and Easy to Keep, Hard to Keep In. His poems appear in the anthologies French Connections: A Gathering of Franco-American Poets and Cadence of Hooves: A Celebration of Horses. He teaches English and coaches varsity hockey at East Bridgewater High School. He lives in South Easton, Massachusetts.
October 21st: Linda Griggs and Martin Willitts, Jr. Feature at Stone Soup
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On October 21st, we welcome back Linda Griggs and Martin Willits Jr. as they make their annual trip to New England.
Linda Griggs has worked as an elementary school art teacher and a mental health counselor. She has also worked with at-risk youth. A college teacher currently working at SUNY Empire State College, she holds a M.P.S. in the Applied Work of the Humanistic Psychologists. She is also an artist, and she is the founder and host of The Palace Poetry Group in Syracuse, NY. Her children’s book, The Night of the Starfish People, was published in 2011 (Willet Press), and she self-published the chapbook, Love Poems of the Universe, in 2003. She lives in Syracuse, NY.
Martin Willitts Jr is a retired Librarian living in Syracuse, New York. He currently evaluates Prior Learning Evaluations for SUNY Empire State College. He is a visual artist of Victorian and Chinese paper cutouts. He was nominated for 6 Pushcart and 6 Best of the Net awards. He provided his hands-on workshop “How to Make Origami Haiku Jumping Frogs” at the 2012 Massachusetts Poetry Festival. He won the William K. Hathaway Award for Poem of the Year 2012. He has 5 full-length and 20 chapbooks of poetry including forthcoming poetry books include Waiting For The Day To Open Its Wings (UNBOUND Content), “Art Is the Impression of an Artist” (Edgar and Lenore's Publishing House), City Of Tents (Crisis Chronicles Press), Swimming In the Ladle of Stars (Kattywompus Press), and he is the winner of the inaugural Wild Earth Poetry Contest for his full length collection Searching For What Is Not There (Hiraeth Press).
October 14: Blaine Hebbel Features at Stone Soup
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On October 14th, we welcome back poet, activist and new publisher Blaine Hebbel to the venue.
Blaine Hebbel – Poet, activist and Ipswich native, has been fascinated by the “American Voice” for over 35 years and has been fighting social injustice since the 60s. He has read as a member of the Poets’ Mimeo Cooperative in Burlington, VT and on the Poemair show on KUOR FM, the University of Redlands, CA station. He is a member of the OccuPoets and has featured his poetry at the Walnut Street Coffee Café, Stone Soup and Merrimac Mic in Newburyport and reads at the open mic at every other venue he can find. He has published two chapbooks, Poems From the Shore and The Occupy Poems. His work has appeared in Stone Soup Fresh Broth, Poesis, Zig Zag Folios, Firehouse and Bagels with the Bards #8. He has just started a publishing house, Ring of Bone Press with a mission to bring “The American Voice” to the reader, by publishing the work of local under discovered poets and writers. The first book from the press, Wild Women of Lynn is at the printer and will be released shortly. Occupy Everything.
October 7th: Pre-Stone Soup Poetry Writing Workshop
I will be leading a workshop today on October 7th, to take place before Stone Soup Poetry from 6:00 PM to just before 8:00 PM at the Out of The Blue Gallery (or at the Au Bon Pain in Central Square if the weather is bad).
Please bring a poem of any form and style no more than 1-2 pages. Bring up to 10 copies of your poem to share with the group, and be prepared to share your thoughts on each others work. If you have trouble printing your work, you can email it to me before 5:00 Monday at chadpoetforhire@yahoo.com
Those unable to attend that are interested in future dates please email me or call me at 617-217-8038.
October 7th: D.A. "Da Butcha" Boucher Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of
The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at
7:30 p.m. On October 7th, we welcome the return of D.A. Boucher to Stone Soup's stage, with a special appearance by bassist Ethan Mackler.
Da Butcha rose from the
ashes of, Art Fluff, Short Attention Span Poet, in the mid-nineties,
born one Sunday night at the Poetry Jam, Lizard Lounge, Cambridge, Mass,
the name coined by Jeff Robinson, from D. A. Boucher, who rose from the
ashes of David Alan Boucher, who burned down in the mid-nineties during
a vision quest for self.
Rebuilt using whatever parts were laying around at the time, Da Butcha, continues in the tradition begun by his predecessor, writing continuously about anything and everything, wholly addicted and consumed by Poetry, Da Butcha is Poetry Incarnate. Da Butcha writes, writes, writey, writes, non-stop, anywhere, and he holds nothing sacred, attends the church of Sacred Nothingness, and will harpoon, lampoon, and take to the carpet any subject, from Politics to Life to Family to Sexuality to everything in between.
He began his egotistical attempt at the ever popular, 365/365 Poetry Challenge, after writing, 418 Pomes in 2012, and saying to himself, "huh, that was easy. I bet I could succeed at the, 365/365 Poetry Challenge", and ten months later, here he is, reading random selections from the project that continues his brand of irreverence and observation of the stupidities of life.
Da Butcha and Ethan Mackler have been bringing Poetry to life since 1997, when they met at Naked City, and have amazed and astounded audiences all over New England and New York City.
Ethan is an accomplished musician-multi-instrumentalist
specializing in Bass Guitar and has performed with many bands over the
years and accompanied Poets at Open Mics in Cambridge, Mass.
The two are known in underground circles as, Words and Music, the foundation blocks of high Culture, Da Butcha is called the King of Poetry and Ethan as Bass Master, and after tonight's reading you, the audience, will know why they are the best thing to happen to Poetry and Music since the ball point pen and ball strings.
Sit back, relax, listen, and enjoy the Poetic and Musical Styling of Da Butcha and Ethan Mackler, some times referred to as, Da Butcha 'shoppe...but, not tonight.
Rebuilt using whatever parts were laying around at the time, Da Butcha, continues in the tradition begun by his predecessor, writing continuously about anything and everything, wholly addicted and consumed by Poetry, Da Butcha is Poetry Incarnate. Da Butcha writes, writes, writey, writes, non-stop, anywhere, and he holds nothing sacred, attends the church of Sacred Nothingness, and will harpoon, lampoon, and take to the carpet any subject, from Politics to Life to Family to Sexuality to everything in between.
He began his egotistical attempt at the ever popular, 365/365 Poetry Challenge, after writing, 418 Pomes in 2012, and saying to himself, "huh, that was easy. I bet I could succeed at the, 365/365 Poetry Challenge", and ten months later, here he is, reading random selections from the project that continues his brand of irreverence and observation of the stupidities of life.
Da Butcha and Ethan Mackler have been bringing Poetry to life since 1997, when they met at Naked City, and have amazed and astounded audiences all over New England and New York City.
Ethan is an accomplished musician-multi-instrumenta
The two are known in underground circles as, Words and Music, the foundation blocks of high Culture, Da Butcha is called the King of Poetry and Ethan as Bass Master, and after tonight's reading you, the audience, will know why they are the best thing to happen to Poetry and Music since the ball point pen and ball strings.
Sit back, relax, listen, and enjoy the Poetic and Musical Styling of Da Butcha and Ethan Mackler, some times referred to as, Da Butcha 'shoppe...but, not tonight.
September 30: Infamous Somerville Bagel Bards to invade Stone Soup!
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On September 30th, Stone Soup celebrates another visit by the Bagel Bards. Be sure to bring extra money to purchase their latest anthology.
The Bagel Bards were brought to life through discussion over breakfast by two area poetry icons, Doug Holder and Harris Gardner. Their anthology Bagel Bards #8 was edited by Zvi Sesling of Muddy River Poetry Review and boasts an amazing cover showcasing the art of the talented Irene Koronas. Between the covers the anthology does not disappoint and is filled with a host of well-known, well-published Boston area writers.
The Bagel Bards, who meet every Saturday morning at the Au Bon Pain in Davis Square, are an avante-garde group of writers who may or may not be considered “camp.” They will delight you with the reading of their work and with their witty camaraderie. You will not want to miss this group of wonderful, eclectic poets!
September 23: Bluu Kollar Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On September 23rd, Stone Soup welcomes Bluu Kollar to the podium with a feature hosted by former Cambridge Poet Populist Toni Bee.
From the state asylum to the stage Bluu Kollar harpoons every corruption. Lyrics lavish with trips to the other side, teachings of healing, and interracial love. Bluu Kollar is a fighter for people who choose to be good.
September 28th: Stone Soup Participates in 100 Thousand Poets for Change 2013
Stone Soup is helping to host another annual 100 Thousand Poets for Change event. In the wake of recent national and global events, we feel it's more important than ever to continue this forum. We will be holding it from 11:00 to 3:00 at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery. We are planning to have an open mice with extended forums. Depending on the number of people in the audience, we will give you 10-15 minutes to feature your work. Less is fine.We will be filming for the 100 Thousand Poets for Change web site, and poet Joe Gouveia should be on hand to interview and record for his Provincetown radio show.
From the 100 Thousand Poets for Change Web site by Michael Rothenberg:
The first order of change is for poets, writers, musicians, artists, anybody, to actually get together to create and perform, educate and demonstrate, simultaneously, with other communities around the world. This will change how we see our local community and the global community. We have all become incredibly alienated in recent years. We hardly know our neighbors down the street let alone our creative allies who live and share our concerns in other countries. We need to feel this kind of global solidarity. I think it will be empowering.
And of course there is the political/social change that many of us are talking about these days. There is trouble in the world. Wars, ecocide, the lack of affordable medical care, racism, the list goes on. We are only asking that local organize events about change within the guidelines of peace and sustainability.
It appears that transformation towards a more sustainable world is a major concern and could be a global guiding principle for this event. Peace also seems to be a common cause. War is not sustainable. There is an increasing sense that we need to move forward and stop moving backwards. But I am trying not to be dogmatic. I am hoping that together we can develop our ideas of the “change/transformation” we are looking for as a group, and that each community group will decide their own specific area of focus for change for their particular event.
We're also happy to announce that Joe Gouveia, host of the Poets Corner radio show out of WOMR-FM Provincetown, is planning to come to the event to record it and other poets for his show.
September 16th: Chad Parenteau Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On September 16th, Chad Parenteau will read from his new poetry collection as well as selections from the late founder of Stone Soup, Jack Powers, in honor of his recent birthday.
Chad Parenteau is the current host of the long-running Stone Soup Poetry reading series in Cambridge. His latest book is Patron Emeritus from FootHills Publishing.
September 9th: Pre-Stone Soup Poetry Writing Workshop
I will be leading a workshop today on September 9th, to take place before Stone Soup Poetry from 6:00 PM to just before 8:00 PM at the Out of The Blue Gallery (or at the Au Bon Pain in Central Square if the weather is bad).
Please bring a poem of any form and style no more than 1-2 pages. Bring up to 10 copies of your poem to share with the group, and be prepared to share your thoughts on each others work. If you have trouble printing your work, you can email it to me before 5:00 Monday at chadpoetforhire@yahoo.com
Those unable to attend that are interested in future dates please email me or call me at 617-217-8038.
September 9: Ying Zhang Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On September 9th, Stone Soup has the pleasure of granting both a debut and farewell feature to poet Ying Zhang.
Born in China 1974, Ying Zhang quit high school at age of 17 in order to pursue his dream of becoming China's Hemingway. After successfully working as a headhunter (recruiter) with international executive search companies in Shanghai and Hong Kong for 10+ years, he resigned from business at age of 36 and in 2010 came to the US where he has been studying for 3 years including the most recent one year studying at IAIA (Institute of American Indian Arts) in Santa Fe, NM and another year studying at Diné College (Navajo Tribal College) in Navajo Reservation, AZ.
The idea of studying and living with Native American peoples has been influenced by the biography of the French painter Gauguin which he read in his teen. He has never published any of his works even though more than 2,000 poems have been created by him since he started poetry writing at age of 10. Ying has just completed his Poetry Writing course at Harvard Summer School in the past summer break and is about will be returning to his home country on Sep 20th for good.
September 2nd: Tom Daley Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On September 2, Stone Soup welcomes another Labor Day with a feature by poet and teacher Tom Daley.
Tom Daley leads writing workshops at the Online School of Poetry, the Boston Center for Adult Education, and Lexington Community Education. His poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in a number of journals including Consequence, Fence, Denver Quarterly, Witness, Massachusetts Review, 32 Poems, Harvard Review, Barrow Street, Diagram, and Rhino and has been anthologized in the Poets for Haiti anthology and The Body Electric. He is a recipient of 2012 Dana Award in Poetry and he won the Wag’s Revue Winter Contest 2013. He is the author of a play, Every Broom and Bridget—Emily Dickinson and Her Irish Servants, which he performs as a one-man show.
August 26th: Valerie Anne Prescott Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On August 26th,Stone Soup celebrates the last of it's "hot month" readings with a feature from poet and children's book author, Valerie Anne Prescott.
Longtime Arlington, Massachusetts resident Valerie Anne Prescott has been a storyteller and writer since she was a child, but she has only recently attempted to have her poetry and fiction published. Valerie’s poems have appeared in the magazine Bellowing Ark, the Wilderness House Literary Review, and in the Lyrical Somerville feature of the The Somerville News. In Gratitude is her first published volume of poetry. Valerie is an animal lover and advocate for human and animal rights. She lives with five rescued pets, cats Lily, Jack, and Molly, and dogs Goldie and Toby. Valerie is also currently working towards the publication of her first children’s book, A Dream for Patches or The Christmas Bear’s Wish, a story with some sadness and longing, but also in which every spirit ultimately finds their own path to peace and joy. She wishes these things for every Soul in the world.
Beginning Tonight: Boston Poetry Marathon 2013
Boston Poetry Marathon 2013 A Summer Poetry Marathon featuring a billion local and visiting poets reading for 8 minutes apiece Admission is free but the hat will be passed Friday 8/16, 7 PM - 10 PM Saturday 8/17, 12:30 PM - 10:30 PM Sunday 8/18, 12:30 PM - 5 PM OUTPOST 186 186 1/2 Hampshire St., Inman Square, Cambridge This schedule is still subject to change. Friday 8/16 7:00 Jim Dunn 7:08 Lori Lubeski 7:16 Frank Spignese 7:24 Audrey Mardavich 7:32 David Rivard 7:40 January O’Neil 7:48 Anna Ross break 8:04 Lauren Russell 8:12 Chad Parenteau 8:20 Christina Davis 8:28 David Blair 8:36 Thom Donovan 8:44 Cheryl Clark Vermeulen 8:52 Tim Trace Peterson break 9:08 Krysten Hill 9:16 Ryan DiPetta 9:24 Mitch Manning 9:32 Guillermo Parra 9:40 Dorothea Lasky 9:48 Joel Sloman Saturday 8/17 12:30 Jim Behrle 12:38 Nicholas Rattner 12:46 Lissa Piercy 12:54 Andrew K. Peterson 1:02 Joe O’Brien 1:10 Allen Bramhall break 1:26 Jonathan Pappas 1:34 Kythe Heller 1:42 David Rich 1:50 Joshua Savory 1:58 Bridget Madden 2:06 Ken Walker break 2:22 Brian Foley 2:30 Suzanne Mercury 2:38 Judah Rubin 2:46 Patrick Pritchett 2:54 Teisha Dawn Twomey 3:06 Timothy Gager break | 3:22 Louis Freedman 3:30 Sam Cha 3:38 Ted Dodson 3:46 Debrah Morkun 3:54 Kit Schlüter 4:02 Amelia Bentley break 3:48 Ben McFall 3:56 Martha McCollough 4:04 Andrew Dieck 4:12 Hassan Sakar 4:20 Ethel Rackin 4:28 Molly Maguire break 4:44 Sampson Starkweather 4:56 Thomas Devaney 5:04 Greg Purcell 5:12 Levi Rubeck dinner break 7:00 Jenny Zhang 7:08 Janaka Stucky 7:16 Joanna Fuhrman 7:24 Christina Strong 7:32 Andy Mister 7:40 Erica Anzalone 7:48 Elizabeth Marie Young break 8:04 Macgregor Card 8:12 Jacqueline Waters 8:20 Cecilia Corrigan 8:28 Marcella Durand 8:36 Mitch Highfill 8:44 Tanya Larkin 8:52 Ish Klein break 9:08 Edmund Berrigan 9:16 Arlo Quint 9:24 Corina Copp 9:32 Jessica Fiorini 9:40 John Coletti 9:48 Laura Henriksen 9:54 Jess Mynes break 10:18 Filip Marinovich 10:26 Douglas Rothschild Sunday 8/18 12:30 Nathaniel Otting 12:38 Gilmore Tamny 12:46 Mark Lamoreaux 12:54 Ryan Gallagher 1:02 Marion Bell 1:10 Nicole Hefner Callahan break 1:26 Joe Elliot 1:34 Raffael de Grutola 1:42 Gerrit Lansing 1:50 Carol Weston 1:58 Anthony Cueller 2:06 Chris Jackson break 2:22 John Mulrooney 2:30 Kevin McLellan 2:36 Ben Mazer 2:44 Amanda Cook 2:52 James Cook 3:00 Daniel Pritchard break 3:16 Sanjana Nair 3:24 Philip Nikolaev 3:32 Lisa Sullivan 3:40 Bill Alberti 3:48 Chris Lindstrom |
August 19th: Dana D. Ruff Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On August 19th, Stone Soup welcomes poet and venue host Dana D. Ruff, with an introduction by Toni Bee. His bio is as follows.
Co-host of the: 'If You Can Feel it, You Can Speak it' Open Mic every 2nd Thurs of the month Bella Luna/Milky Way 284 Amory St. Author of the book; "Staying on 94: Tales from a Misguided Soul" Featured at venues such as :Middle East, Slades, Blue wave, Haley House, Generations in Avon, Darryl's Corner, Harvard College, Bay State College, Boston University, Apollo Theater, Strand Theater
"I started doing poetry to express what was being forced to be pent up, the pain of everyday life which in most cases i didn't know how to keep silent about. Poetry was my way of remembering lessons i needed to have embedded in myself."
August 12th: Robin Linn Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On August 12th,we welcome Robin Linn to Stone Soup, as she gives a farewell reading before leaving Boston to pursue her doctorate.
Robin Linn’s poetry can be found in the anthology “A World Rediscovered” and in literary journals such as Saranac Review, SPECS, Redactions and Amethyst Arsenic. Her collection, Fairytale-Ending Machine, was published by FootHills Publishing. Robin’s critical work and poetry has also been featured in Sugar House Review. A facilitator of local poetry workshops, Robin has also volunteered for PEN New England's Freedom to Write prison writing program. She received her MFA from Lesley University, and is currently beginning her doctoral work in the Creative Writing program at Georgia State University.
August 5th: Pre-Stone Soup Poetry Writing Workshop
I will be leading a workshop today on August 5th, to take place before Stone Soup Poetry from 6:00 PM to just before 8:00 PM at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery.
Please bring a poem of any form and style no more than 1-2 pages. Bring up to 10 copies of your poem to share with the group, and be prepared to share your thoughts on each others work. If you have trouble printing your work, you can email it to me before 5:00 Monday at chadpoetforhire@yahoo.com
Those unable to attend that are interested in future dates please email me.
August 5th: Marc Goldfinger Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On August 5th, we are pleased to have Marc Goldfinger back at Stone Soup for his first full-length feature in years.
Marc Goldfinger has been published by the Ibbetson Street, the Aurorean, Liberation Poetry Collective, Pegasus, the Boston Poet, the Crooked River Press, EarthFirst! magazine, Clamor, The New Renaissance, User’s News, Poiesis and many others. He is currently the poetry editor and a regular columnist for the Spare Change News, a paper put out for the benefit of homeless people. He is a counselor for people with Substance Use Disorders. He is a member of The Road Scribes Of America. Marc has 3 books for sale at www.Smashwords.com and can also be found at www.sparechangenews.net/. He has performed at Occupy Boston more than once. He also has his own website at http://
July 29th: Wayne L. Miller Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On July 29th, we welcome Wayne L. Miller to our home state and our venue.
Wayne L. Miller was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. He reads at various venues in his home state of New Jersey and in New York. During the day, he wrestles with computer software. Sometimes, the software wins. Living in London on and off for six years made him a fan of HobNobs. Many of his poems can be found on his blog, BrooklynBloke.com
July 22nd: K. Peddlar Bridges and Lisa Golda-Shields
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On July22nd, biker poetry is once again added to our summer schedule with the return of K. Peddlar Bridges and the debut of Lisa Golda-Shields.
K. Peddlar Bridges is a prolific and persistent talent, one of the founders of the Biker Poetry movement. Peddlar is a well recognized, unique voice currently living on the North Shore of Boston. The Roadpoet Fortnight is his brain child, and will debut in July, 2013. In addition to being a regular at many poetry venues, he also hosts RoadPoet Café, on ICAM, (the Ipswich Cable access station) and is working on a new collection of works about the poetic heritage of Gloucester.
Lisa Golda-Shields is a poet, editor, and advocate for special needs children, now living in Ipswich. Her first collection of poetry and prose The Infinite Charm of Firefly Glow is currently housed in the Library of Congress. She works with kids and their families, in between various collective and individual literary projects. She is also working on her first novel, and a chapbook of work to be completed in the fall of 2013.
July 15th: Rosa Nagle Features at Stone Soup

Rosa Nagle was born in Winthrop, Massachusetts, the daughter of Italian immigrants. A graduate of UMass Boston with a BA in English. her first book of poetry, From Zephyr's Ankles, was published in 2005. In December of the same year, her poem “Ghost Story” appeared in The Iconoclast magazine. Her poem “Daydream” was published in Crucible magazine in 2009. In 2010, five poems of hers were included in an anthology of women's poetry, entitled Postcards from Eve.
On May 5, 2013, her play “On The Death Of June” had its first public reading at the Performing Arts Center of Metrowest, in Framingham, MA. She currently attends poetry workshops at Stone Soup.
July 8th: Kurt Klopmeier and Betsy Gomez Feature at Stone Soup
Kurt Klopmeier comes from a farm near St. Louis, Missouri where he learned the beauty of silence and a love for comics. He's been published in ripple(s), Amethyst Arsenic, and Consequence Magazine, as well as an anthology of Dorchester, Massachusetts poets, Write on the DOT.
Betsy Gomez grew up in the desert in Southern California, near the Mexican border. She studied literature and Russian and Soviet Studies at UC San Diego, and has an MFA in poetry from UMass Boston. Her work has been featured in 580 Split, Amethyst Arsenic, and The Coachella Review. She is the recipient of the 2013 Emerging Writer Fellowship in poetry from the Writer's Room of Boston. This summer, you can find her working on poems and short stories, trying to learn a Brahms sonata, and watching cartoons.
Available Tonight: Michael F. Gill/Bill Barnum..."Chapsides"???
Michael F. Gill's poem, "Bill Barnum Explains A Dream He Had" was accidentally left out of the Stone Soup Presents: Fresh Broth anthology. We will be able to label it a happy accident, as we now introduce the poem as a chapbook/broadside print, which will be made available tonight and coincides (almost) with Bill Barnum's 88th birthday.
This is likely the start of a new series of "chapsides" (name very much subject to change) coming out from Stone Soup Poetry, with at least two other releases from local poets coming out. Pick up a copy tonight. Only $3 per with proceeds benefiting Stone Soup and the poets.
The Poetry Tent & 4th Poet Populist @ The Cambridge River Festival Public By Lo Galluccio and Toni Bee
JOIN us under The Poetry Tent at The Cambridge River Festival to HEAR art-filled Poetry daylong and SEE the 3rd Poet Populist CROWN the 4th!
Toni Bee and Lo Galluccio play host to You as their friends read soulful Poetry from 12-6pm at the base of Weeks Bridge on the river Charles. (PEEK at the list of Poets below /-)
BE THERE at 2:30pm when Toni Bee CROWNS Lo Galluccio as the 4th Poet Populist of Cambridge, MA
POETRY to feel, MUSIC to hear & the SINGING to vibe to – it will all be under the Poetry Tent/ there’ll be poetry PROMPTS to spark your creative imagination PLUS we’ll have the Magnetic Poetry Boards for you to play and ponder over !
SEE the SCHEDULE of POETS Below / be sure to bring friends to say so long to # 3 Toni Bee and Welcome Lo Galluccio as 4th poet to represent Cambridge:
12:05-1:30pm Trae Anita, Singer, Glenn Lucci Furman, Aminata of Books of Hope, Jason Wright of Odd Ball Magazine, Christian Standeford of Facelessvoice.tumblr.com, OPEN MIC, Lynette Forrey, Diamond
1:30 – 2:15pm – Jean-Dany Joachim & City Night Reading Poets : Alan Smith, Thom Wylie, Amy Grunder, & Juan Casillas Alvarez
2:30 – CROWNED – Lo Galluccio as The 4th Poet Populist of Cambridge, MA
2:45 pm – Lo Galluccio with Ken Field of the Revolutionary Snake Ensemble
3:15 -4:30PM - Tom Daley, Poetry Workshop Leader, Irene Koronas of Wilderness House Literary Review, Tim Gager of Dire Literary Series, Harris Gardner of Tapestry of Voices, Teisha Dawn Twomey, Chad Parenteau of Stone Stoup
4:30 – 5pm - Joe Younge , Toni Bee of The Wang & Shubert Theatre’s in Boston
5-6pm OPEN MIC
HOPE to see you There!
Directions can be found here.
JOIN us under The Poetry Tent at The Cambridge River Festival to HEAR art-filled Poetry daylong and SEE the 3rd Poet Populist CROWN the 4th!
Toni Bee and Lo Galluccio play host to You as their friends read soulful Poetry from 12-6pm at the base of Weeks Bridge on the river Charles. (PEEK at the list of Poets below /-)
BE THERE at 2:30pm when Toni Bee CROWNS Lo Galluccio as the 4th Poet Populist of Cambridge, MA
POETRY to feel, MUSIC to hear & the SINGING to vibe to – it will all be under the Poetry Tent/ there’ll be poetry PROMPTS to spark your creative imagination PLUS we’ll have the Magnetic Poetry Boards for you to play and ponder over !
SEE the SCHEDULE of POETS Below / be sure to bring friends to say so long to # 3 Toni Bee and Welcome Lo Galluccio as 4th poet to represent Cambridge:
12:05-1:30pm Trae Anita, Singer, Glenn Lucci Furman, Aminata of Books of Hope, Jason Wright of Odd Ball Magazine, Christian Standeford of Facelessvoice.tumblr.com, OPEN MIC, Lynette Forrey, Diamond
1:30 – 2:15pm – Jean-Dany Joachim & City Night Reading Poets : Alan Smith, Thom Wylie, Amy Grunder, & Juan Casillas Alvarez
2:30 – CROWNED – Lo Galluccio as The 4th Poet Populist of Cambridge, MA
2:45 pm – Lo Galluccio with Ken Field of the Revolutionary Snake Ensemble
3:15 -4:30PM - Tom Daley, Poetry Workshop Leader, Irene Koronas of Wilderness House Literary Review, Tim Gager of Dire Literary Series, Harris Gardner of Tapestry of Voices, Teisha Dawn Twomey, Chad Parenteau of Stone Stoup
4:30 – 5pm - Joe Younge , Toni Bee of The Wang & Shubert Theatre’s in Boston
5-6pm OPEN MIC
HOPE to see you There!
Directions can be found here.
U.M.Ph.! Prose BOSTON MARATHON POETRY TRIBUTE - Submit May through September 1st, 2013
Special Edition # 3 pays tribute to the spirit of the Boston Marathon
by honoring the people killed or harmed on April 15, 2013. To submit,
email stonesouppoetry@yahoo.com as soon as you can. We'll post them as we accept them from today through September 1.
Boston Strong!
Mignon Ariel King
Umphatic Editor
Chad Parenteau
Guest Editor
Boston, Massachusetts, May 201
U.M.Ph.! Prose
July 1st: Steve Subrizi Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On July 1st, we welcome back poet, musician and co-host of Somerville's Encyclopedia Show, Steve Subrizi.
Steve Subrizi lives in Somerville and has read poetry and played music across America by himself; along with Emerson College's first slam poetry team, the Gringo Choir (with Carrie Rudzinski, Carlos Williams, and Maxwell Kessler); with his good friend, former New Hampshire slammaster Sam Teitel; and with his band, the Crazy Exes From Hell, a duo with Kirsten Opstad. His poems have appeared in such places as Neon, The Scrambler, Muzzle, and Monday Night. He is the author of one e-chapbook, Newly Wild Hedgehog (NAP, 2011).
June 24th: CA Conrad Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On June 24th, CA Conrad kicks off a three day tour of the Boston and north shore area, featuring at Stone Soup first before moving onto the Zig Zag Poetry Open Mic in Salem on Tuesday and Speak UP: Spoken Word in Lynn on Wednesday.
CA Conrad is the son of white trash asphyxiation whose childhood included selling cut flowers along the highway for his mother and helping her shoplift. He has five full-length poetry collections the most recent is A Beautiful Marsupial Afternoon (Wave Books, 2012). The Book of Frank (Wave Books) has been translated into German, Spanish, and most recently Swedish. He is a 2011 PEW Fellow, a 2013 BANFF Fellow, and a 2012 and 2013 visiting faculty member for the Summer Writing Program of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University. You can find his poems at CAConrad.blogspot.com
June 24th: Pre-Stone Soup Poetry Writing Workshop
I will be leading a workshop today on June 24th, to take place before Stone Soup Poetry from 6:00 PM to just before 8:00 PM at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery.
Please bring a poem of any form and style no more than 1-2 pages. Bring up to 10 copies of your poem to share with the group, and be prepared to share your thoughts on each others work. If you have trouble printing your work, you can email it to me before 5:00 Monday at chadpoetforhire@yahoo.com
Those unable to attend that are interested in future dates please email me.
June 17th: Jamaica Pond Poets Feature
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On June 17th, Michael F. Gill hosts a feature by the Jamaica Pond Poets.
Dorothy Derifield's work has received an editor's award from Plainsongs, and has appeared in the Radcliffe Quarterly and Harvard Magazine, among others. She is the director of the long-running literary series Chapter and Verse in Jamaica Plain and is a member of the Jamaica Pond Poets. She is the author of the chapbook, The River and the Lakes. She lives in Roslindale and has taught poetry groups at Sherrill House, a nursing home in Jamaica Plain.
Carolyn Gregory’s poems have been published in American Poetry Review, Off the Coast, Main Street Review, Bellowing Ark, Art Times, and Seattle Review. She is a classical music and theatre writer for Stylus. A book, Open Letters, was published by Windmill Editions in 2009.
In 2011, Susanna Kittredge returned to the Jamaica Pond Poets after several years on the west coast where she received a Master of Fine Arts degree in Poetry from San Francisco State University. Her poems have been published in many print and on-line literary journals, including Salamander, 580 Split, Parthenon West Review, 14 Hills, and Shampoo. Her work has also appeared in the anthologies Sidebrow (Sidebrow, 2008) and Bay Poetics (Faux Press, 2006), as well as the upcoming Shadowed: Unheard Voices, edited by Meg Withers and Joell Hallowell. By day, she is a special education teacher for students with mild-to-moderate disabilities.
Sandra Storey's first full-length collection, Every State Has Its Own Light, will be published by Word Press imprint of WordTech Communications in 2014. Her poems have been published in various literary magazines, including the New York Quarterly, Friction (UK) and New Millennium Writings. Storey was a Peace Corps volunteer in Thailand and lived in Southeast Asia from 1968 to 1972. Formerly editor and publisher of two neighborhood newspapers she is now a newspaper columnist. She wrote poetry from 1980 to 1988 and resumed in 2004. She has been a featured reader at many Boston-area venues.
Gary Whited is a poet, philosopher and psychotherapist. He grew up on the plains of eastern Montana, and a strong sense of place pervades his poems, whether that place is the prairie, the city or the inner spaces we inhabit. His poems have appeared in Salamander, The Aurorean, Bellowing Ark, Red Owl Magazine, and in Diamond Dust, an on-line publication. He received an International Merit Award in 2003 for a poem published in Atlanta Review, and in Spring, 2007, he won an Editor’s Prize in Plainsongs.He is a contributing author to the first anthology of the Jamaica Pond Poets titled This Great Gift, collected poems of grief and healing, and to a collection of essays in honor of his philosophy teacher, Henry Bugbee, titled Wilderness and the Heart, Henry Bugbee’s Philosophy of Place, Presence, and Memory. Gary is currently working on a poetry manuscript titled Having Listened, and on a prose manuscript titled Parmenides, Poetry and Psychotherapy. He has participated in many poetry readings and open mikes in the Boston area.
June 10th: Frank and Erin Reardon at Stone Soup
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of
The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at
7:30 p.m. On June 10th, we have the return of the Reardons, Erin and Frank.
Frank Reardon was born in 1974 in Boston, Massachusetts and spent his first 28 years living there. Since then, he has lived all over the country, in places such as Alabama, Kansas City and Rhode Island. He currently lives in the Badlands of North Dakota, still looking for a way to get out. Frank has been published in various reviews, journals and online zines. His first book, Interstate Chokehold, was published by NeoPoiesis Press in 2009. His newest collection is Nivrana Haymaker from NeoPoesis Press.
Frank Reardon was born in 1974 in Boston, Massachusetts and spent his first 28 years living there. Since then, he has lived all over the country, in places such as Alabama, Kansas City and Rhode Island. He currently lives in the Badlands of North Dakota, still looking for a way to get out. Frank has been published in various reviews, journals and online zines. His first book, Interstate Chokehold, was published by NeoPoiesis Press in 2009. His newest collection is Nivrana Haymaker from NeoPoesis Press.
Erin Reardon is a sometimes poet who lives in the bowels of
Massachusetts. She has been published in various litzines and was a feature at
the first ever Zygote in My Fez event
in Toledo, OH, thanks to the folks at Zygote
in My Coffee and Red Fez. She has
been out of the poetry loop a while but is hoping to come back with a
vengeance. She likes cowboy hats, beer and Patrick Duffy.
June 3rd: Pre-Stone Soup Poetry Writing Workshop
I will be leading a workshop today on June 3rd, to take place before Stone Soup Poetry from 6:00 PM to just before 8:00 PM at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery.
Please bring a poem of any form and style no more than 1-2 pages. Bring up to 10 copies of your poem to share with the group, and be prepared to share your thoughts on each others work. If you have trouble printing your work, you can email it to me before 5:00 Monday at chadpoetforhire@yahoo.com
Those unable to attend that are interested in future dates please email me.
June 3rd: Alexis Ivy Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of
The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at
7:30 p.m. On June 3rd, we welcome debuting author Alexis Ivy.
Alexis Ivy is a student of Literature at Harvard University's Extension School and works at the family wallpaper business in the bookmaking department located on the South Shore. She's a bad pool player, a good coffee drinker and hasn't won a single dollar on a scratch ticket in over a month. Her recent work has appeared in Spare Change News, The Dos Passos Review, Tar River Poetry, Licking River Review, J Journal, among others. Her first book entitled Romance with Small-Time Crooks has just been published by BlazeVox Books and is literally hot off the press.
May 27th: Pre-Stone Soup Poetry Writing Workshop
I will be leading a workshop today on May 27th, to take place before Stone Soup Poetry from 6:00 PM to just before 8:00 PM at the Au Bon Pain in Central Square, 684 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge.
Please bring a poem of any form and style no more than 1-2 pages. Bring up to 10 copies of your poem to share with the group, and be prepared to share your thoughts on each others work. If you have trouble printing your work, you can email it to me before 5:00 Monday at chadpoetforhire@yahoo.com
Those unable to attend that are interested in future dates please email me.
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