Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On February 2nd, Stone Soup Poetry has the pleasure of being one of the last stops for Sam Teitel and Steve Subrizi as they finish up their Two Sensitive Guys tour.
Sam Teitel and Steve Subrizi are both poets form the Boston area. Steve is a member of Emerson College's award-winning CUPSI team, The Gringo Choir. Sam is a member of Manchester New Hampshire's slightly less award-winning but still perfectly respectable National Poetry Slam team, Slam Free Or Die. They have just returned from performing their work across the country, driving Sam's Scion XB to such venues as The Mercury Cafe in Denver and The Green Mill in Chicago. They are collectively responsible for one CD and three chapbooks, including a collaborative chapbook, Beet-itude: The Super Deluxe Collector's Edition, which is a collection of poetry about the beet, 'nature's candy.'
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