After this April Stone Soup Poetry will no longer be meeting in person at Fort Point Arts Community's Assemblage
Gallery, located on 70(a) Sleeper Street, just across from the Barking
Crab restaurant. Appropriately, tonight on Wednesday, April 26 from 7:00 to 9:00, we will also be saying goodbye to Bil Lewis, who is departing the Boston/Cambridge area for a farm in Idaho.
Lewis is a Computer Scientist and has worked in research and taught
most of his life, most recently doing Genetics Research at MIT. He has
taught at Stanford and Tufts Universities and worked for FMC, Sun
Microsystems, and Nokia Data.
Bil is a Past District 31 Governor (Eastern Massachusetts and Rhode
Island), an Eagle Scout, a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, and a
Patriotic Citizen of the United States.
Bil is currently performing and teaching High School over Zoom as James
Madison, 4th President of the United States. He is using his skills to
talk about what is important in life.
Bil is the very epitome of sober, serious, introspective poetry.
(Last sentence is subject to a fact check.)