Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On April 9th, we welcome the return of poet and venue host Sam Teitel.
Sam Teitel is a poet and performer based out of New England. His first published collection, SURVIVE SURVIVE SURVIVE was released in 2011 by Bicycle Comics. He has participated in four National Poetry Slams, thrice as a poet and once as a coach, and two National Underground Poetry Invitational Championships. He has been a featured performer at many theaters, bars, cafes, lecture halls, libraries and basements across the country, spanning thirteen states and including The Cantab Lounge in Cambridge, The Bowery Poetry Club in New York City, The Mercury Cafe in Denver, The Green Mill Jazz Club in Chicago, Hampshire College, Sarah Lawrence University, Emerson College and Northeastern University. He has been a part of the No More Ribcage and Two Sensitive Guys ensemble tours and is currently serving as co-slam master for The Slam Free Or Die series in New Hampshire.