
August 22nd: Diana Saenz and Marshall Harvey and Lowell Poets Galore at Stone Soup

Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On August 22nd, Bill Perault hosts an open mike filled with a contingency of poets from his hometown of Lowell, followed by his requested feature poets, Diana Senz and Marshall Harvey.

Diana Sáenz is a native of Los Angeles California, and has been writing poetry since the age of 15. Her plays have been produced around the country, and she is has three books of poetry presently for sale: An Ordindary Life Discussed, The Book of Eve, and Just This side of the 3rd Millenium. Diana and her husband, Marshall Harvey, whom she met in 1995 at Stone Soup Poetry when it was at TT The Bears, are the editors of Boston Poet Publication.

Marshall Harvey has been published in numerous journals and is the the author of Painted Light, published in 1994. He has also written a novel (The Psychic Lover) and an acclaimed study on iambic pentamet ("Iambic Pentameter from Shakespeare to Browning"). He is currently working on a theory on art.