July 16th: John Mercuri Dooley Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery (located on 106 Prospect Street in Cambridge) with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On July 16th, John Mercuri Dooley performs before setting out on a tour to perform his poem "MuBet."
John Mercuri Dooley lives in east cambridge with his husband andrew richardson and their whippet roma. andrew and john run the Demolicious poetry/multimedia series, the first sunday of every month from september through June at Out of The Blue. John has been published in various print and online publications, including Blaze Vox, Fascicle, Moria and Word for Word. he co-edited the second issue of the online journal Eoagh, which was a tribute to Jackson Mac Low. His ongoing serial poem, "MuBet," can be read via the link below.
Click here for the Dooley edited issue of Eoagh.
Read MuBet.
Learn more about the Demolicious poetry series.

Photo by Bill Perrault
Thanks to Abbott Ikeler, who featured at Stone Soup this past Monday.
Because Ikeler's publisher, Doug Holder, will also be featuring at the end of June, Stone Soup is adding a link here to Ibbetson Street's storefront page at Lulu.com for Ikeler's Outpost and other titles.

Photo by Bill Perrault
Thanks to Abbott Ikeler, who featured at Stone Soup this past Monday.
Because Ikeler's publisher, Doug Holder, will also be featuring at the end of June, Stone Soup is adding a link here to Ibbetson Street's storefront page at Lulu.com for Ikeler's Outpost and other titles.

Photo by Bill Perrault
From poet and writer Anne Brudevold:
Ever-learning from successes and mistakes, I and some friends are
starting a small press mag called EdenRiver, published by our very
own EdenRiverPress. I started on my own with a chapbook of my own
poems, learned a lot doing it, and gave chapbooks as Christmas
presents, so I could write instead of shop. Well, the bug bit.
Inspired by Ibbetson Press, and all you small press people, and
starting to know Boston/Cambridge/ Somerville better, momentum is
gathering and a small team (like little league baseball) Eden River
is launched. We have an art director, proofreaders, design advice,
and a team to read manuscripts. We are soliciting manuscripts of
short fiction, poetry, interviews and reviews. Guidelines are 5-6
poems, 4-5 pages fiction, 2-3 page non-fiction/ reviews.
The first issue has a theme -- Home. Send us your memories/thoughts
of your roots, of childhood, your ideas of home or homelessness. The
deadline is September 30, 2007. So please honor us with your
submission. We promise to read it with care, and, if accepted, we
intend to put out, on quality paper with photographs and
illustrations, an organic-to-the- eye-ear-mind perfect bound volume
with ISBN number.
You will receive a complimentary copy, and the opportunity to buy
more to give as presents or to sell yourself and keep the profit.
Send your work to EdenRiverPress@gmail.com
Thank you so much! Please help us by spreading the word. Submissions
are opent to all.
We don't want to over-crowd the small press world. We have a unique
vision of Eden and we hope you will share your visions with us.
--Anne and The Team

Photo by Bill Perrault
From poet and writer Anne Brudevold:
Ever-learning from successes and mistakes, I and some friends are
starting a small press mag called EdenRiver, published by our very
own EdenRiverPress. I started on my own with a chapbook of my own
poems, learned a lot doing it, and gave chapbooks as Christmas
presents, so I could write instead of shop. Well, the bug bit.
Inspired by Ibbetson Press, and all you small press people, and
starting to know Boston/Cambridge/ Somerville better, momentum is
gathering and a small team (like little league baseball) Eden River
is launched. We have an art director, proofreaders, design advice,
and a team to read manuscripts. We are soliciting manuscripts of
short fiction, poetry, interviews and reviews. Guidelines are 5-6
poems, 4-5 pages fiction, 2-3 page non-fiction/ reviews.
The first issue has a theme -- Home. Send us your memories/thoughts
of your roots, of childhood, your ideas of home or homelessness. The
deadline is September 30, 2007. So please honor us with your
submission. We promise to read it with care, and, if accepted, we
intend to put out, on quality paper with photographs and
illustrations, an organic-to-the- eye-ear-mind perfect bound volume
with ISBN number.
You will receive a complimentary copy, and the opportunity to buy
more to give as presents or to sell yourself and keep the profit.
Send your work to EdenRiverPress@gmail.com
Thank you so much! Please help us by spreading the word. Submissions
are opent to all.
We don't want to over-crowd the small press world. We have a unique
vision of Eden and we hope you will share your visions with us.
--Anne and The Team
Future Stone Soup Features
June 11th: Abbott Ikeler reads from his first collection, Outburst.
June 18th: Marvyn Petrucci visits from Auburn University.
June 25th: Doug Holder visits Stone Soup to celebrate his two new chapbooks.
July 2nd: Stone Soup presents the touring poetry group Reason to Listen.
July 9th: Erin Reardon Features
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery (located on 106 Prospect Street in Cambridge) with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On July 9th, Stone Soup welcomes new writer to the local scene Erin Reardon for her first feature.
Erin fancies herself more of a recovering Catholic who is still trying to find herself and her voice, using writing as a tool to purge her often overloaded mind. Her poems are sometimes sad, and often darkly comical. Many are tales of religious confusion, female hormonal rages, love, life, frustration and loss. She gains most of her inspiration through people-watching in barrooms, hospitals, the ever-cliche coffee shops and basically just running around the streets of Boston, Cambridge and Somerville.
Her heroes include Arthur Rimbaud, Jack Kerouac, Kurt Vonnegut, Anne Sexton, Dorothy Parker, and Charles Bukowski. She has been published in Quillbillies literary magazine, and has several pieces pending in other literary 'zines both in print and online. She has done open mic nights at Stone Soup and Open Bark and at the Lizard Lounge in Cambridge. She also has 2 self-published collections, Tales of a Sunday School Dropout and Sleeping on a Bed of Percocet White, which will be available at her feature or she can send you one ($4.00 each which includes shipping, $3.00 each at the show) if you drop her a line at tigerlilygirl66@yahoo.com She currently works at a non-profit in Cambridge and resides in Arlington, Massachusetts. A sample poem follows below.
Skin is so fragile
So simple
So curious
Easy to tear at
Easy to caress
Skin is useless
Unless it is tasted
And most of all touched
She liked to watch hers
Open up so wide
Making crimson waterfalls
She liked to poke it
Tease it
Ruin it
She hated her skin
It found his.
--Erin Reardon
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery (located on 106 Prospect Street in Cambridge) with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On July 9th, Stone Soup welcomes new writer to the local scene Erin Reardon for her first feature.
Erin fancies herself more of a recovering Catholic who is still trying to find herself and her voice, using writing as a tool to purge her often overloaded mind. Her poems are sometimes sad, and often darkly comical. Many are tales of religious confusion, female hormonal rages, love, life, frustration and loss. She gains most of her inspiration through people-watching in barrooms, hospitals, the ever-cliche coffee shops and basically just running around the streets of Boston, Cambridge and Somerville.
Her heroes include Arthur Rimbaud, Jack Kerouac, Kurt Vonnegut, Anne Sexton, Dorothy Parker, and Charles Bukowski. She has been published in Quillbillies literary magazine, and has several pieces pending in other literary 'zines both in print and online. She has done open mic nights at Stone Soup and Open Bark and at the Lizard Lounge in Cambridge. She also has 2 self-published collections, Tales of a Sunday School Dropout and Sleeping on a Bed of Percocet White, which will be available at her feature or she can send you one ($4.00 each which includes shipping, $3.00 each at the show) if you drop her a line at tigerlilygirl66@yahoo.com She currently works at a non-profit in Cambridge and resides in Arlington, Massachusetts. A sample poem follows below.
Skin is so fragile
So simple
So curious
Easy to tear at
Easy to caress
Skin is useless
Unless it is tasted
And most of all touched
She liked to watch hers
Open up so wide
Making crimson waterfalls
She liked to poke it
Tease it
Ruin it
She hated her skin
It found his.
--Erin Reardon
July 2nd: Stone Soup Presents A Reason to Listen

Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery (located on 106 Prospect Street in Cambridge) with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On July 2nd, the California based poetry group A Reason to Listen will be visiting Stone Soup as part of their summer tour.
Over the past four years A Reason to Listen, Therese Keslin-FitzMaurice and Vanessa Pike-Vrtiak, have worked with poets in several forums, from the Accident Gallery to the Raven House, to build a thriving spoken word movement in Humboldt County. Their most recent achievement, Excavating the History of Love, an hour length performance piece combined spoken word, dance, music and live art on one stage. After a series of sold out performances, the local university invited the poets to speak and host workshops on campus. Pike and Keslin are currently publishing Excavating the History of Love and a collection of poetry entitled A Reason to Listen. This summer Keslin and Pike will tour the east coast to promote their new publications. A Reason to Listen recently received two grants acknowledging how inspirational their performances have been to the local community. A sample poem follows below.
After 48 hours of contemplation
by Vanessa Pike-Vrtiak and Therese Keslin-FitzMaurice
I am hurting.
Remembering when my pilot light was lit.
heart beat to tribal drums
(inside my chest)
ruby pastel blood running to my finger tips
the scent still lingers
i am only human
when i dance
cut taste off my tongue
the smell of tulips now follows me.
i hid between bed sheets
lighting candles in the dark
licking love poems off my lips
hoping i could pilot kali’s ship
and beat tantric rhythms
over perineal knowledge,
(but alone, i know
i am only human.)
heat exchanged
beat boxed stares
and radiant smiles
a delicate conversation with a piano.
keys slipped soft caresses
between folded sheets of music
where circumcised instruments
played too hard.
I was reminded
about the love I was lacking
when his world collided with mine
he traveled through black and white jungles
braiding syncopated break beats
birthing bridges of rain and sun
telling the truth about the moon dust in my womb had never been so easy
prophet of the divine
i want to sun bathe inside you.
deep fragrant symphonies
i caught my breath too.
and touched the rough edges of fire
i tasted him.
for a moment in time.
wind painted cracks
across his lips,
sipping life lines and poems
out of forest speckled eyes
splashing his reflection on my face
as he blew butterflies
through the back of my skull
my essence grew wings
as i stared down the barrel
pressing matters on my temple
i could not escape myself.
my anger is a disease.
and this dis ease
shakes the bed i sleep in.
Does he know?
How we stand with vast oceans between us.
rotating Saturn’s rings around my wrists.
in place of time
what is my karmic responsibility?
the seaweed tangled with forbidden contact
and snow stained cheeks
if you bring me electricity again
will currents flow?
or am I in love with a poem?
a poem can’t brush the back of his palm against my cheek
a poem can’t fold triangles in bed
a poem can’t ride the rhythm of my beat
through the streets
and shake me out of my dreams
only my maker can.
yes, I carry jazz notes in my lungs if you want to stay and listen.
I’ve got to start putting it simply. I am the poem.
Visit Reason to Listen's MySpace page.

Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery (located on 106 Prospect Street in Cambridge) with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On July 2nd, the California based poetry group A Reason to Listen will be visiting Stone Soup as part of their summer tour.
Over the past four years A Reason to Listen, Therese Keslin-FitzMaurice and Vanessa Pike-Vrtiak, have worked with poets in several forums, from the Accident Gallery to the Raven House, to build a thriving spoken word movement in Humboldt County. Their most recent achievement, Excavating the History of Love, an hour length performance piece combined spoken word, dance, music and live art on one stage. After a series of sold out performances, the local university invited the poets to speak and host workshops on campus. Pike and Keslin are currently publishing Excavating the History of Love and a collection of poetry entitled A Reason to Listen. This summer Keslin and Pike will tour the east coast to promote their new publications. A Reason to Listen recently received two grants acknowledging how inspirational their performances have been to the local community. A sample poem follows below.
After 48 hours of contemplation
by Vanessa Pike-Vrtiak and Therese Keslin-FitzMaurice
I am hurting.
Remembering when my pilot light was lit.
heart beat to tribal drums
(inside my chest)
ruby pastel blood running to my finger tips
the scent still lingers
i am only human
when i dance
cut taste off my tongue
the smell of tulips now follows me.
i hid between bed sheets
lighting candles in the dark
licking love poems off my lips
hoping i could pilot kali’s ship
and beat tantric rhythms
over perineal knowledge,
(but alone, i know
i am only human.)
heat exchanged
beat boxed stares
and radiant smiles
a delicate conversation with a piano.
keys slipped soft caresses
between folded sheets of music
where circumcised instruments
played too hard.
I was reminded
about the love I was lacking
when his world collided with mine
he traveled through black and white jungles
braiding syncopated break beats
birthing bridges of rain and sun
telling the truth about the moon dust in my womb had never been so easy
prophet of the divine
i want to sun bathe inside you.
deep fragrant symphonies
i caught my breath too.
and touched the rough edges of fire
i tasted him.
for a moment in time.
wind painted cracks
across his lips,
sipping life lines and poems
out of forest speckled eyes
splashing his reflection on my face
as he blew butterflies
through the back of my skull
my essence grew wings
as i stared down the barrel
pressing matters on my temple
i could not escape myself.
my anger is a disease.
and this dis ease
shakes the bed i sleep in.
Does he know?
How we stand with vast oceans between us.
rotating Saturn’s rings around my wrists.
in place of time
what is my karmic responsibility?
the seaweed tangled with forbidden contact
and snow stained cheeks
if you bring me electricity again
will currents flow?
or am I in love with a poem?
a poem can’t brush the back of his palm against my cheek
a poem can’t fold triangles in bed
a poem can’t ride the rhythm of my beat
through the streets
and shake me out of my dreams
only my maker can.
yes, I carry jazz notes in my lungs if you want to stay and listen.
I’ve got to start putting it simply. I am the poem.
Visit Reason to Listen's MySpace page.
June 25th: Doug Holder Returns

Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery (located on 106 Prospect Street in Cambridge) with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On June 25th, Doug Holder will be returning to Stone Soup to celebrate the releasing of his two new chapbooks: No One Dies At The Au Bon Pain by Sunny Outside Press and Of All the Meals I Had Before from Cervena Barva Press.
Doug Holder was born In Manhattan on July 5, 1955. A small press activist,he founded the Ibbetson Street Press in the winter of 1998 in Somerville,Mass. He has published over 30 books of poetry of local and national poets and over 20 issues of the literary journal Ibbetson Street. Holder is aco-founder of The Somerville News Writers Festival, and is the curator of the Newton Free Library Poetry Series in Newton, Mass. His interviews with contemporary poets are archived at the Harvard and Buffalo University libraries, as well as Poet's House in NYC. Holder's own articles and poetry have appeared in several anthologies including: Inside the Outside: AnAnthology of Avant-Garde American Poets (Presa Press) Greatest Hits: Twelve Years of Compost Magazine (Zephyr Press) America's Favorite Poems edited byRobert Pinsky. His work has appeared in such magazines as: Rattle, Doubletake, The Boston Globe Magazine, Poesy, Small Press Review, ArtwordQuarterly, Manifold (U.K.), The Café Review, the new renaissance and many others. He holds an M.A. in Literature from Harvard University.
A sample of Doug Holder's work.
Visit Doug Holder's blog.

Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery (located on 106 Prospect Street in Cambridge) with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On June 25th, Doug Holder will be returning to Stone Soup to celebrate the releasing of his two new chapbooks: No One Dies At The Au Bon Pain by Sunny Outside Press and Of All the Meals I Had Before from Cervena Barva Press.
Doug Holder was born In Manhattan on July 5, 1955. A small press activist,he founded the Ibbetson Street Press in the winter of 1998 in Somerville,Mass. He has published over 30 books of poetry of local and national poets and over 20 issues of the literary journal Ibbetson Street. Holder is aco-founder of The Somerville News Writers Festival, and is the curator of the Newton Free Library Poetry Series in Newton, Mass. His interviews with contemporary poets are archived at the Harvard and Buffalo University libraries, as well as Poet's House in NYC. Holder's own articles and poetry have appeared in several anthologies including: Inside the Outside: AnAnthology of Avant-Garde American Poets (Presa Press) Greatest Hits: Twelve Years of Compost Magazine (Zephyr Press) America's Favorite Poems edited byRobert Pinsky. His work has appeared in such magazines as: Rattle, Doubletake, The Boston Globe Magazine, Poesy, Small Press Review, ArtwordQuarterly, Manifold (U.K.), The Café Review, the new renaissance and many others. He holds an M.A. in Literature from Harvard University.
A sample of Doug Holder's work.
Visit Doug Holder's blog.
June 18th: Marvyn Petrucci Features

Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery (located on 106 Prospect Street in Cambridge) with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On June 18th, Stone Soup welcomes the return of former relocated Stone Soup regular Marvyn Petrucci.
Marvyn Petrucci, originally from Amesbury, Massachusetts, teaches in the English Department at Auburn University. He taught at UMass, Boston, and was twice an NEH Fellow before receiving his Ph.D from the University of Southern MIssissippi in 2000, where he won the Joan Johnson Poetry Award. His poetry has appeared in forty journals, including the Southern Humanities Review and the Black Warrior Review. He has also published half a dozen short stories and numerous feature articles and reviews.

Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery (located on 106 Prospect Street in Cambridge) with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On June 18th, Stone Soup welcomes the return of former relocated Stone Soup regular Marvyn Petrucci.
Marvyn Petrucci, originally from Amesbury, Massachusetts, teaches in the English Department at Auburn University. He taught at UMass, Boston, and was twice an NEH Fellow before receiving his Ph.D from the University of Southern MIssissippi in 2000, where he won the Joan Johnson Poetry Award. His poetry has appeared in forty journals, including the Southern Humanities Review and the Black Warrior Review. He has also published half a dozen short stories and numerous feature articles and reviews.
June 11th: Abbott Ikeler

Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery (located on 106 Prospect Street in Cambridge) with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On June 11, Stone Soup welcomes Abbott Ikeler, one Ibbetson Street Press' most recently published poets, as he reads from his new collection, Outpost.

Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery (located on 106 Prospect Street in Cambridge) with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On June 11, Stone Soup welcomes Abbott Ikeler, one Ibbetson Street Press' most recently published poets, as he reads from his new collection, Outpost.
Abbott Ikeler lives in Cumberland, RI and teaches at Emerson College in Boston. He writes poetry, memoirs and literary criticism, including a book published by Ohio State University Press on Thomas Carlyle, Puritan Temper and Transcendental Faith, and numerous articles on Dickens and Trollope. His poems have been published in The Concrete Wolf, The Somerville News, Dream International Quarterly, and Bagelbards Anthology, No. 2. A sample poem follows below.
They happen on a subway platform
in the midst of mild debate,
hardly heated, on the merits of a film.
Or between courses at a restaurant
unrated by Michelin
over the indiscretions of a distant friend.
An old incompatibility
of taste or moral vision gathers
in an unremarkable moment in a quite prosaic spot
to a settled recognition on one side or the other
of a wall that can’t be climbed.
The rest—days or decades—is merest epilogue.
--Abbott Ikeler
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