
April 7: John Roche Features at Stone Soup


Amidst the global pandemic, Stone Soup Poetry has been offering an online open mic via Zoom for anyone interested. This continues to receive an amazing response, and we appreciate everyone's participation.

On Wednesday, April 7, we welcome poet and organizer John Roche.

John Roche lives in Placitas, New Mexico, helping his wife Jules Nyquist run Jules’ Poetry Playhouse, edit Poetry Playhouse Publications, and hosts the monthly Kaktus Poetry open mic. He taught Literature and Creative Writing for decades at various colleges, retiring from Rochester Institute of Technology in 2019. 

Roche was formerly President of Just Poets in Rochester, NY, member of the board of BOA Editions, chief organizer of the Black Mountain North Symposium, and an instigator of the annual Cloudburst Council poets' retreat in the Finger Lakes. Along with editing the five-volume Poets Speak series and other anthologies (including Mo' Joe), his own poetry collections include On Conesus, Topicalities, Road Ghosts, and The Joe Poems: The Continuing Saga of Joe the Poet. His newest book is Joe Rides Again: Further Adventures of Joe the Poet (FootHills Publishing 2020).

Join us on April 7 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is 826 7647 1053

Password: stonesoup


March 31: Coleen T. Houlihan Features at Stone Soup


Amidst the global pandemic, Stone Soup Poetry has been offering an online open mic via Zoom for anyone interested. This continues to receive an amazing response, and we appreciate everyone's participation.

On Wednesday, March 31, we welcome the long awaited return of poet Coleen T. Houlihan.

Coleen T. Houlihan began her career in writing on a picturesque day in a quaint Connecticut town. An only child who loved to read, her afternoons were often spent home leafing through dusty volumes passed down from her grandfather. Or she could be found in the local library, covertly reading all the books she'd been warned against such as Wifey by Blume or Go Ask Alice, salacious writing perfect for the budding adolescent. At Wellesley College, she focused on short stories and poetry, receiving her BA. She has featured at several poetry venues such as: Stone Soup, Best Sellers, A Tapestry of Voices, Sherman Café and the Walden Poetry Series. She has published poetry in Main Street Rag, Poesy, Bellowing Ark, The Alewife, The Wilderness House Literary Review, Ibbetson Street Press, Spoonful: A Gathering of Stone Soup Poets, MoJo! The Maps One Journal, Spare Change, as well as others.

Join us on March 31 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is 847 4061 1543

Password: stonesoup

March 24: Jason Wright Features at Stone Soup


Amidst the global pandemic, Stone Soup Poetry has been offering an online open mic via Zoom for anyone interested. This continues to receive an amazing response, and we appreciate everyone's participation.

On Wednesday, March 24, we welcome Jason Wright, Editor, Publisher, podcast host and author celebrating another book release.

Jason Wright is the Editor-In-Chief and founder of Oddball Magazine. He is the host of the Oddball Show podcast and has published two books, his third book Train of Thought 2: Almost Home is to be released April 2021. Jason Wright is also the President of the oddball foundation, a Foundation dedicated to spreading awareness of social justice issues through art, particularly advocating for those affected by mental illness. 

Join us on Wednesday, March 24, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is  817 0895 9559

Password: stonesoup


March 17: John Mulrooney Features at Stone Soup Poetry


Amidst the global pandemic, Stone Soup Poetry has been offering an online open mic via Zoom for anyone interested. This continues to receive an amazing response, and we appreciate everyone's participation.

On Wednesday, March 17, we welcome John Mulrooney, poet of many hats.
John Mulrooney is a poet, filmmaker and musician living in Cambridge, MA. He is author of If You See Something, Say Something from the Anchorite Press and co-producer of the documentary The Peacemaker, from Central Square Films. He serves as poetry editor for Boog City. He records and performs regularly with a number of musical groups in the greater Boston area. He is Associate Professor in the English department at Bridgewater State University. His work has appeared in Fulcrum, Pressed Wafer fold’em zine, Solstice, the Battersea Review, Poetry Northeast, spoKe, Let the Bucket Down and others. 

Join us on Wednesday, March 17, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is 871 4030 4074

Password: stonesoup 


March 10: Timothy Gager Features at Stone Soup


Amidst the global pandemic, Stone Soup Poetry has been offering an online open mic via Zoom for anyone interested. This continues to receive an amazing response, and we appreciate everyone's participation.

On Wednesday, March 10, we welcome Timothy Gager, who is celebrating the release of his latest poetry collection.

Amazon's Number One Bestselling Author in five categories, Timothy Gager has published sixteen books of fiction and poetry. His latest, 2020 Poems, is his ninth of poetry. Timothy hosted the successful Dire Literary Series in Cambridge, Massachusetts from 2001 to 2018, and as a virtual series starting in 2020. Timothy was the co-founder of The Somerville News Writers Festival. He has had over 600 works of fiction and poetry published, of which seventeen have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. His work also has been nominated for a Massachusetts Book Award, The Best of the Web, The Best Small Fictions Anthology and has been read on National Public Radio.

Join us this Wednesday  night from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is  849 6497 1999

Password: stonesoup

March 3: Stone Soup All-Open Mic


Amidst the global pandemic, Stone Soup Poetry has been offering an online open mic via Zoom for anyone interested. This continues to receive an amazing response, and we appreciate everyone's participation.

On Wednesday, March 3, we begin the new month with an all-open mic.

Join us this Wednesday night from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is 839 7267 1213

Password: stonesoup