
January 6: Mignon Ariel King Features at Stone Soup Poetry

Amidst the global pandemic, Stone Soup Poetry has been offering an online open mic via Zoom for anyone interested. This continues to receive an amazing response, and we appreciate everyone's participation.

On Wednesday, January 6,Stone Soup moves closer to its fiftieth year of existence with poet, novelist and publisher Mignon Ariel King.

Mignon Ariel King was born in Boston, Massachusetts and has never left her home time zone. An alumna of Simmons University, she worked for a decade as a database assistant by day (at a lot of companies that no artist cares to remember) and as an adjunct English instructor by night. In 2011, King created Hidden Charm Press; she founded Tell-Tale Chapbooks in 2013. Her blog is Making Books Rock, and her latest poetry collection is My Life As A Masque.

Join us on Wednesday, January 6 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is 879 5378 1924

Password: stonesoup



December 30: Ryk McIntyre Features at Stone Soup

Amidst the global pandemic, Stone Soup Poetry has been offering an online open mic via Zoom for anyone interested. This continues to receive an amazing response, and we appreciate everyone's participation.

On Wednesday, December 30, Ryk McIntyre helps us to close out the strangest year of Stone Soup's existence as a poetry venue. We eagerly await his last word.

Ryk McIntyre has been a presence on the New England poetry scene for decades. He has toured extensively around the continental United States and Canada, appearing on stages as varied as NYC’s New School, Boston’s ICA, Portsmouth NH’s Music Hall, Lollapalooza and the very first “Legends of The Slam” Showcase, at the National Poetry Slam in 2006 in Austin, TX. He has also appeared at countless poetry venues, festivals and house parties. He has been published widely, most notably, in The Worcester Review, Off the Coast, Short Fuse- An Anthology of New Fusion Poets, and Aim for the Head - An Anthology of Zombie Poetry. He has two collections of poetry After Everything Burns (2013 Sargent Press) and The Man at the Door (2018 Broken Head Press). He is currently pursuing a degree, and a second life, in Theater.

Join us on Wednesday, December 30 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is 865 3093 5469

Password: stonesoup

December 23: Chad Parenteau Features at Stone Soup

Amidst the global pandemic, Stone Soup Poetry has been offering an online open mic via Zoom for anyone interested. This continues to receive an amazing response, and we appreciate everyone's participation.

On Wednesday, December 23, Chad Parenteau takes a turn to highlight Tell-Tale Chapbooks and his newly published collection from that press.

Chad Parenteau hosts Boston's long-running Stone Soup Poetry series. His work has appeared in journals such as Résonancee, Cape Cod Poetry Review, Tell-Tale Inklings, Off The Coast, Ibbetson Street and Wilderness House Literary Review. He currently serves as a regular contributor to Headline Poetry & Press as well as Associate Editor of the online journal Oddball Magazine. His second collection, The Collapsed Bookshelf, has just been released.

Join us on Wednesday, December 23 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is 853 6387 3644

Password: stonesoup

December 16: Stone Soup's All-Open Mic Night

Amidst the global pandemic, Stone Soup Poetry has been offering an online open mic via  Zoom for anyone interested. This continues to receive an amazing response, and we appreciate everyone's participation.

On Wednesday, December 16, Stone Soup has its final all- open mic before the final two closing features of the year. 

Join host Chad Parenteau on Wednesday, December 16 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is 872 4862 5890

Password: stonesoup


December 9: Philip J Curtis Features at Stone Soup

Amidst the global pandemic, Stone Soup Poetry has been offering an online open mic via  Zoom for anyone interested. This continues to receive an amazing response, and we appreciate everyone's participation.

On Wednesday, December 9,  we welcome Stone Soup's new friend Philip J Curtis.

Writer, spoken word artist, and mentor Philip J. Curtis is a native of New York with roots in Jamaica West Indies, who arrived on the Colorado Springs poetry scene in 2006 bringing with him a brand of New York City straightforwardness and swag along with the sensual sun of Jamaica West Indies. Mr. Curtis established luvsaverb.com in 2007 combining his love for music with his poetic flow. 

Philip aka Midnight is also an avid community steward. He has facilitated poetry workshops at various high schools, and colleges. He has supported non-profit organizations such as LifeWithoutLupos.org, TESSA, Finding Our Voices, CASA, and Art from Ashes. He is a founding member of Hear Here Poetry and in 2009 he established Poetry 719 on Facebook to foster and support the freedom of self-expression in spoken and written word through community connections, education, and poetic unity for all ages. 

Join host Chad Parenteau on Wednesday, December 9 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is 879 2126 6182

Password: stonesoup


December 2: Tony Brown Features at Stone Soup

Amidst the global pandemic, Stone Soup Poetry has been offering an online open mic via  Zoom for anyone interested. This continues to receive an amazing response, and we appreciate everyone's participation.

On Wednesday, December 2, Tony Brown makes a long awaited return via our virtual podium.

Tony Brown has been writing for over 50 years, and publishing and performing his work for over 40.

A seven-time Pushcart Prize and two-time Best Of The Net nominee, he has traveled the country, slammed for the Worcester Poets’ Asylum, and organized and hosted many readings and reading series.

His most recent eBooks and publications can be found through his Patreon site.

His daily poetry blog is available at http://radioactiveart.blog. He resides in Worcester, MA.

Tony most commonly performs his poetry with The Duende Project in collaboration with Steven Lanning-Cafaro on electric bass and classical guitar, Christopher Lawton on guitar, and Chris O’Donnell on drums; They have released six collections of their work, available on all the usual online streaming and download outlets. 

More information can be found at their Website: http://theduendeproject.com.

Join host Chad Parenteau on Wednesday, December 2, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is 821 0169 4994

Password: stonesoup

November 25: Stone Soup's Pre-Thanksgiving Gathering Online

Join us for a late start Stone Soup Poetry open mic so we can take a breath before the country faces very different day of celebration tomorrow.

Join host Chad Parenteau on Wednesday, November 25, from 8:00 to 10:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is 851 6444 8723

Password: stonesoup


November 18: Stone Soup Open Mic Back in its Regular Time Slot

After weeks of extra open mics and erratic scheduling, Stone Soup is settling back to its online schedule.

Join host Chad Parenteau on Wednesday, November 18, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is 853 8616 7774

Password: stonesoup


November 11: Stone Soup's Delayed Victory Party

Stone Soup gathers itself after having most of Veterans Day to have it's all-open mic.

Join host Chad Parenteau tonight from 8:00 to 10:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is 821 0086 2595

Password: stonesoup


November 5: Stone Soup's (not quite) Post-Election Open Mic


After recovering from the successful Election Night open mic, Stone Soup is back a day later for the regular open mic gathering. Maybe we'll be celebrating. Maybe we will be lamenting. Either way, we have time in our schedule for you this Thursday.

Join host Chad Parenteau tonight from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is  897 4420 9792

Password: stonesoup


November 3: Stone Soup Election Night Open Mic


Be with us tonight as we constantly reload the electoral college map and share poems that have either everything or nothing to do with the 2020 election.

Join host Chad Parenteau tonight from 8:00 to 10:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is  843 5082 1095

Password: stonesoup


October 28: Stone Soup's Pre-Election Open Mic: Later Start Time

Amidst the global pandemic, Stone Soup Poetry has been offering an online open mic via  Zoom for anyone interested. This continues to receive an amazing response, and we appreciate everyone's participation.

On Wednesday, October 28, join us for a pre-election Stone Soup Poetry all open mic.

 Download the Zoom App for free.

Join host Chad Parenteau this Wednesday from 7:30 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is  814 9139 6504

Password: stonesoup

Email the host at chadpoetforhire@yahoo.com with any questions.


October 24: Toni Bee Presents Poets in the Garden

On October 24, Stone Soup Poetry and Toni Bee will be hosting an open mic with special guests from 1-3 PM both on line at at her favorite Cambridge community garden. 

Join Toni Bee & her poet friends in the garden as they read poems during harvest time. 

Toni Bee is a Cambridge Poet Populist emeritus and the 2016 Inaugural Poetry Ambassador of Cambridge

THE GOAL of the reading is: To make people aware of the 14 gardens in Cambridge / URGE that ALL FOLKS should feel welcomed in community gardens

The event is presented on Zoom via Facebook live. To join in on Zoom, click the link here.

The meeting ID is 815-7668-5768

Password: garden

The physical address is 260 Broadway Street in Cambridge. Physical attendees are asked to wear a mask and practice social distancing.

In this season of racial & health pandemics Bee along with Latino & Pakistani neighbors discovered gardening as therapeutic, as community building

BUT they were not welcomed with open communication & somebody filed a police report...MY WORD!

- LET our creative words & music fly across Cambridge & other cities - MAY we make Black & Brown/ People of Color & ALL folks aware that there are community gardens in 'hoods - where you can grow fresh Veggies & engage with others

This Poetry reading encourages food justice/ fairness to all people/ less punitive action and more open communication.



October 21: Stone Soup Poetry is Back

Amidst the global pandemic, Stone Soup Poetry has been offering an online open mic via  Zoom for anyone interested. This continues to receive an amazing response, and we appreciate everyone's participation.

On Wednesday, October 21, with less than two weeks before Election Day Stone Soup returns. 

 Download the Zoom App for free.

Join host Chad Parenteau this Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is  892 6302 5863

Password: stonesoup

Email the host at chadpoetforhire@yahoo.com with any questions.


October 14: Stone Soup Off for One More Week

We apologize, but Stone Soup Poetry has to cancel for one more week. Stone Poetry will resume on October 21. Stay tuned for more announcements.


October 7: No Stone Soup Tonight

Stone Soup is unable to meet tonight. We will resume on October 14.


September 30: Stone Soup Says Bye September

 Amidst the global pandemic, Stone Soup Poetry has been offering an online open mic via  Zoom for anyone interested. This continues to receive an amazing response, and we appreciate everyone's participation.

On Wednesday, September 30, Stone Soup comes back for one more all-open mic in September.

 Download the Zoom App for free.

Join host Chad Parenteau this Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is  884 4464 3408

Password: stonesoup

Email the host at chadpoetforhire@yahoo.com with any questions.


September 23: Stone Soup All-Open Mic Vigil

 Amidst the global pandemic, Stone Soup Poetry has been offering an online open mic via  Zoom for anyone interested. This continues to receive an amazing response, and we appreciate everyone's participation.

On Wednesday, September 23, Stone Soup gets itself together in the wake of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death for a special open mic vigil.

Download the Zoom App for free.

Join host Chad Parenteau this Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:00 PM ET by clicking this link.

The meeting ID is  873 8227 9169

Password: stonesoup

Email the host at chadpoetforhire@yahoo.com with any questions.