October 28th: Pre-Stone Soup Poetry Writing Workshop
I will be leading a workshop today on October 28th, to take place before Stone Soup Poetry from 6:00 PM to just before 8:00 PM at the Au Bon Pain in Central Square.
Please bring a poem of any form and style no more than 1-2 pages. Bring up to 10 copies of your poem to share with the group, and be prepared to share your thoughts on each others work. If you have trouble printing your work, you can email it to me before 5:00 Monday at chadpoetforhire@yahoo.com
Those unable to attend that are interested in future dates please email me or call me at 617-217-8038.
Tom Daley's New Poetry Writing Workshop
Poetry writing workshop
at a restaurant in Porter Square, Cambridge
Six Wednesdays 12:30-2:30 pm
November 6, 13, 20; December 4, 11, 18, 2013.
Cost is $150.
The optional poetry exercises will focus on the poetry of Patricia Smith
Joint workshop for poets & writers working in creative prose
(memoir, fiction, creative non-fiction, storytelling)
at the instructor’s house in Cambridge
Seven Mondays 5:30-7:30 pm
November 4, 11, 18, 25;
December 2, 9, & 16, 2013.
Cost is $175.
The optional poetry exercises will focus on the poetry of Patricia Smith
To register for either workshop, contact the instructor at tom.daley2@verizon.net
Daley leads writing workshops at the Online School of Poetry, Boston
Center for Adult Education, and Lexington Community Education. His poems
have appeared or are forthcoming in a number of journals including Fence, Denver Quarterly, Crazyhorse, Witness, Massachusetts Review, The Boston Globe, Harvard Review, and Poetry Ireland Review and have been anthologized in the Poets for Haiti and The Body Electric anthologies. He is a recipient of 2012 Dana Award in Poetry and the author of a play, Every Broom and Bridget—Emily Dickinson and Her Irish Servants, which he performs as a one-man show.
Stone Soup Gallery at Midway Studios, October 19 -20
Open showing of art photos by David Agee of Stone Soup poets reading at the Out of the Blue. This is part of the Fort Point fall Open Studios ranging along Summer and A streets in the art district across the channel from South Station.
"Many poets are shown, but the exhibit is based on photographs with some artistic merit that I happened to take; it is not an encyclopedic compendium of the Stone Soup poets as a whole. The photos are NOT family snap shots - each reader is in the context of art that has some effect on the mood. emotion, etc of the scene. SO look at the whole photo; reader, background art, etc."
The display is on the fifth floor (elevator) of the Midway Studios, 15 Channel Center St., Boston, 02210 (map at info booth on A St.)
To reach the building by car, go to South Station, follow Summer St. across the channel, make an immediate right and right again onto A St. You will see an information booth on A St. at the entrance to a free parking lot.
By public transportation take the Red Line to South Station and upstairs on Summer Street pick up the #11 bus. Exit at Mt. Vernon Avenue on A Street (2nd stop).
Open Studios is free and free parking available off A St. There are further displays in buildings along Summer St. and along A St. Map at info booth on A St. (617 423 4299).
Open 12 - 6 Saturday Oct. 19 and Sunday Oct. 20.
Come and check out all the 150 artist displays!
Oddball Magazine Presents Stone Soup Servings
Stone Soup is pleased to be partnering with Oddball Magazine to present Stone Soup Servings, a column that will give readers a first look at upcoming Stone Soup performers. This week, we have Martin Willitts Jr. and Linda Griggs, who arrive at Stone Soup on October 21st. Thanks to publisher Jason Wright and Gordon Marshall's sister, Jennifer Davidson Marshall, for the photography.
October 28th: David R. Surette Features at Stone Soup
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On October 28th, we welcome back David R. Surrette, who has his newest poetry collection coming out this month.
David R. Surette’s new book of poetry is Wicked Hard. He is the author of three other collections: The Immaculate Conception Mothers‘ Club, Young Gentlemen’s School and Easy to Keep, Hard to Keep In. His poems appear in the anthologies French Connections: A Gathering of Franco-American Poets and Cadence of Hooves: A Celebration of Horses. He teaches English and coaches varsity hockey at East Bridgewater High School. He lives in South Easton, Massachusetts.
October 21st: Linda Griggs and Martin Willitts, Jr. Feature at Stone Soup
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On October 21st, we welcome back Linda Griggs and Martin Willits Jr. as they make their annual trip to New England.
Linda Griggs has worked as an elementary school art teacher and a mental health counselor. She has also worked with at-risk youth. A college teacher currently working at SUNY Empire State College, she holds a M.P.S. in the Applied Work of the Humanistic Psychologists. She is also an artist, and she is the founder and host of The Palace Poetry Group in Syracuse, NY. Her children’s book, The Night of the Starfish People, was published in 2011 (Willet Press), and she self-published the chapbook, Love Poems of the Universe, in 2003. She lives in Syracuse, NY.
Martin Willitts Jr is a retired Librarian living in Syracuse, New York. He currently evaluates Prior Learning Evaluations for SUNY Empire State College. He is a visual artist of Victorian and Chinese paper cutouts. He was nominated for 6 Pushcart and 6 Best of the Net awards. He provided his hands-on workshop “How to Make Origami Haiku Jumping Frogs” at the 2012 Massachusetts Poetry Festival. He won the William K. Hathaway Award for Poem of the Year 2012. He has 5 full-length and 20 chapbooks of poetry including forthcoming poetry books include Waiting For The Day To Open Its Wings (UNBOUND Content), “Art Is the Impression of an Artist” (Edgar and Lenore's Publishing House), City Of Tents (Crisis Chronicles Press), Swimming In the Ladle of Stars (Kattywompus Press), and he is the winner of the inaugural Wild Earth Poetry Contest for his full length collection Searching For What Is Not There (Hiraeth Press).
October 14: Blaine Hebbel Features at Stone Soup
Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On October 14th, we welcome back poet, activist and new publisher Blaine Hebbel to the venue.
Blaine Hebbel – Poet, activist and Ipswich native, has been fascinated by the “American Voice” for over 35 years and has been fighting social injustice since the 60s. He has read as a member of the Poets’ Mimeo Cooperative in Burlington, VT and on the Poemair show on KUOR FM, the University of Redlands, CA station. He is a member of the OccuPoets and has featured his poetry at the Walnut Street Coffee Café, Stone Soup and Merrimac Mic in Newburyport and reads at the open mic at every other venue he can find. He has published two chapbooks, Poems From the Shore and The Occupy Poems. His work has appeared in Stone Soup Fresh Broth, Poesis, Zig Zag Folios, Firehouse and Bagels with the Bards #8. He has just started a publishing house, Ring of Bone Press with a mission to bring “The American Voice” to the reader, by publishing the work of local under discovered poets and writers. The first book from the press, Wild Women of Lynn is at the printer and will be released shortly. Occupy Everything.
October 7th: Pre-Stone Soup Poetry Writing Workshop
I will be leading a workshop today on October 7th, to take place before Stone Soup Poetry from 6:00 PM to just before 8:00 PM at the Out of The Blue Gallery (or at the Au Bon Pain in Central Square if the weather is bad).
Please bring a poem of any form and style no more than 1-2 pages. Bring up to 10 copies of your poem to share with the group, and be prepared to share your thoughts on each others work. If you have trouble printing your work, you can email it to me before 5:00 Monday at chadpoetforhire@yahoo.com
Those unable to attend that are interested in future dates please email me or call me at 617-217-8038.
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