
June 14th: Alan Feldman Features

Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On June 14, we have poet and teacher Alan Feldman making his first Stone Soup appearance.

Alan Feldman is the author of The Happy Genius (SUN, 1978), A Sail to Great Island (University of Wisconsin Press, 2004), and a number of chapbooks, including The Personals (Choomia, 1982), Anniversary (1992), Round Trip (2003) and On the Zocalo (2007)––these last three with color drawings by Nan Hass Feldman. His poetry has appeared in The Atlantic, The New Yorker, Poetry, The Nation, The Southern Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, Threepenny Review and several anthologies such as Best American Poetry 2001 and Best American Erotic Poems From 1800 to the Present. He has received the Elliston Book Award, the Pollak Prize for Poetry, as well as fellowships from the Massachusetts Artists Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. He teaches a free drop-in poetry workshop during the year at the Framingham Public Library, and during the summer at the Wellfleet Public Library.
June 7th: Anne Brudevold Features

Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On May June 7, we welcome back past feature and local author and publisher Anne Brudevold.

Anne is a recalcitrant poet since there's no money in it and she needs to make money, so she has caved in to the dirty world of commerce and is writing a not too sappy romance novel with redeeming qualities such as jabs at the logging industry in Maine and kudos to the art of knife making. She hopes to get into the mosh pit of being publishing and getting a substantia advance. She has published in Wilderness House Literary Review, OntheBus, Plieiades, University of Missouri Press. Windhorse, Black Bough, Ibbetson St., Bagelbards, Peregrine, Appleseeds, and on Spoonful. Also, Wilderness House Literary Review published her novel Hunter Moon online. She has one Pushcart nomination, and won honorable mention at the Cyclaments and Swords recent contest, and second place in the Best of the Valley Optimist Contest. She publishes Eden Waters Press. Issues are availabe on June 7th at deep discount. She likes to cook, eat, and hike. She has featured at Borders, Stone Soup, and the Moultenburough Public Library in New Hampshire. She's a little insecure, but who isn't in these waning days of the recap of the Roman Empire.

Visit the Eden Waters Press web site.


Spoonful Issue #4 Is Up

We are pleased to release issue # 4 of Spoonful, an online journal that serves as an ongoing tribute to the Stone Soup Poetry scene.

Issue # 4 can now be read here.






Greg Ford, Tim Gager, Lo Galluccio, Melissa Guillet, Coleen T. Houlihan, John Landry, Shannon Mcginnis, Chad Parenteau, Erin Reardon, Su Red, Thea K. Scott, Luis Lazaro Tijerina, James Van Looy, Derek JG Williams, and Rafael Woolf.

Jane Chakravarthy, James Conant, Edward S. Gault, Laurel Lambert, Bill Perrault, Michael E. Quigg, Su Red, Samantha Scott-Heron, Luis L. Tijerina, and Cindy Williams.

Thank you,

Chad Parenteau
Lynne Sticklor


May 31st: Da Butcha 'shoppe

Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On May 31, we end the 39th anniversary month-long celebration with music and poetry from Da Butcha 'shoppe.

Da Butcha ‘shoppe rose phoenix like from the ashes of Poetry Performance Troupe, the Collective in 2006, and features guitarist, Ethan “Black Wednesday” Mackler, and Poet, D. A. “Da Butcha” Boucher, vocals.

Da Butcha ‘shoppe mixes all forms of entertainment to bring Poetry to life, from burlesque to comedy to dance to everything in between.

Da Butcha ‘shoppe has appeared on stages in New Hampshire, Maine, and Massachusetts, amazing and astounding all.

Some of their performances have included Butcha’s birth of a rubber chicken, the Alien, and interpretive dance.

Due to the fact that they blow minds every time they appear, they have been called the most interesting group on stage today and reviews of their sets have ranged from “I’ve never seen anything like that before.” to “I don’t know what I just saw, but I liked it!” to “WOW, that was incredible!”

Generally, as a rule, Da Butcha ‘shoppe challenges what the public thinks of as Poetry, their tag line, “this is not your father’s Poetry.”

Da Butcha ‘shoppe, the best thing since sliced bread.
May 24: Joanna Nealon and Carol Weston Feature

Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery (located on 106 Prospect Street in Cambridge) with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On May 24, Stone Soup Poetry's month long anniversary celebration continues with Stone Soup alum Joanna Nealon and Carol Weston.

Joanna Nealon is a Fullbright Scholar who has published five books. In addition to Stone Soup, she has read for various venues such as Tapestry of Voices, Ibbetson Street Press, Walden Pond Poetry and the Newton and Brockton Library series. She has been published in The Aurorean, Ibbetson Street Review, the Stone Soup anthologies, Cosmic Trend, Bitteroot, Northeast Corridor, and Poesis. Her newest release is Poems of The Zodiac.

Carol Weston has featured many times with Stone Soup. She read alongside Jack Powers and Allen Ginsberg in 1973 in the former Charles Street Universalist Church. In the Winter of 1983, she was asked by Powers to feature in Boston's City Hall along with John Wieners. Her poetry has been published in The Farleigh Literary Review, Bomb, Stone Soup Anthology 2003, Spoonful and The Blind See Only This World.


May 17th: Charley Shively and Jim Dunn Feature

Stone Soup Poetry meets from 8-10 p.m. every Monday at the Out of The Blue Art Gallery at 106 Prospect Street with an open mike sign-up at 7:30 p.m. On May 17, we are visited by past Stone Soup figureheads Charley Shively and Jimm Dunn.

Charley Shively is the author of Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, San Francisco Experience. He has written two volumes regarding Walt Whitman's correspondence, Calamus Lovers and Drum Beats, and The History of the Conception of Death in America 1650-1860 (1988). He was the founding editor of Fag Rag (one of the first gay-liberation publications in the country) and Good Gay Poets Press, publisher of John Wieners' seminal text Behind the State Capitol or Cincinnati Pike. He is Professor Emeritus of the UMass Boston History Department.

Jim Dunn is the author of Soft Launch (Bootstrap 2008), Convenient Hole (Pressed Wafer 2004), and Insects In Sex (Fallen Angel Press, 1995). He has served as the Poet-In-Residence at Endicott College and has also participated in the Prison Poetry reading Program at BU. His work appears in eoagh, Gerry Mulligan, tthe cafe review, Meanie, and the anthology celebrating John Wieners , The Blind See Only In This World. He recently edited the John WIeners Journal, "A New Book From Rome" with Derek Fenner and Ryan Gallagher of Bootstrap Press.